The past few days I have been reflecting a lot of what 2015 has meant to me and to those I have served. It has sure proven itself to be one giant roller coaster ride. Wouldn't you agree? I would love to hear from you what your experiences have been, and what you discovered and learned about yourself
If you read my previous posts, you will see an emerging theme which is about soul. We thought the year 2014 was a grand year for purging and letting go for what no longer serves us, but 2015 was sure a doozy.
Depending on how you choose to see 2015, it was a year of many things:
The hardest part for so many I have found this year, is learning to let go of control and trust that your soul has your back. Life for me has not always been easy, and I had my share of dark days. Some of you may know my story, but many do not. That's ok.
What has helped me through my darkest of days is trusting in the divine ... trusting in my soul ... trusting my spirit team. I also learned your head and heart will steer you wrong because of ego. However, your gut ... your seat of your soul ... will never steer you wrong.
I like many of you have been raised in a society that dictates how you should be, dress, act, do. We live in a society that says you are a good person if you do this or that or if you work this job and live in that neighborhood who graduated with this degree then you are a good person. The more I tried to conform to what society dictates to me, the more I became ill and unfulfilled which almost took my life.
However, my guardian angels and spirit team had different plans for me. So over the years, I learned to let go of what was and a perception of a life I thought I had. I slowly surrendered to Spirit over a period of 10+ years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years healing from my traumas learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul. I am like a masterpiece painting that is still in progress.
So back to what this year has taught me ...
In order to get from one place to another, you must build a solid foundation. Right now, I feel that I want to keep insuring the foundation I rebuilt this year is strong enough and sturdy after all I went through in my personal life for a grand 2016. However, thanks to the partnership with the divine and my soul, I receive daily confirmations that I am on the right track.
Laura's favorite vintage store with lots of Buddha love. |
This has been a big year for manifesting. There is the old saying
"Be careful what you wish for, because you just might actually get it".
For some using tools of faith, trust, and positivity, the manifesting yielded many wonderful things and confirmations.
For others who are still stuck in worry, fear, and anxiety, unfortunately, here the manifesting was of more fear, worry, and anxiety. It was almost like you were looking for the gotcha, so the Universe gave it to you.
For me, I have suffered lots of trauma in my personal life and have been in both of those places this year. It is something I have come to terms with over the years, because my soul chose this path for me to learn something that will help my soul ascend.
So, for those stuck in fear or worry mode, I hear you. I can not tell you the days and nights I have spent crying, begging, and pleading for things to change and for help on my faith which dwindled not recognizing the connection between what I was trying to move forward from and my fears actually manifesting over and over.
Laura's training and certification in Jikiden Reiki with Arjava Petter |
So, we learned another lesson for 2015 which came to a climax of purging and letting go. Many of us, we experienced waves of physical and emotional purges this year. Some were so strong it made us very sick. Resistance to change has proven to be futile for many who chose the path of ego. What I learned was to go with the ebbs and flows of the Universe instead of letting ego rule trying to control things that were not in my capacity to control.
This also means, I learned to listen with the body more, and recognizing that if I was having a bout of exhaustion or emotions, and the medical teams are not able to figure out the cause, then I was experiencing a purge. Some purges did require surgery. But learning the spiritual connection and healing, I was able to minimize recovery time and with no pain medications.
Unfortunately, we are also experiencing a wave of great transitions. For some these transitions were timely for their soul growth. It was just their time to ascend and no other reason. For some (not all) such as those faced with addictions, my theory is this. I believe especially our youth, were born with such a high frequency and sensitivity that their human self was not able to adjust. It was just too difficult. For others, especially healers forget to self nurture and self care. Martyrdom has proven to lead to a path of dis-ease.
What I have also seen this year in regards to letting go are the links to karmic cords. I have seen this pattern all year, but especially gaining momentum later this year. Many of us have been called to not only heal and let go things in this lifetime, but in previous lifetimes. I have witnessed one person in particular heal at least three lifetimes this year alone and the year is not over yet.
Laura finds her best place to find peace and meditate is connecting with nature. |
You have to remember all this letting go is about creating a platform for the new. This brings me to the next lesson - a realization of what truly matters.
Does it matter for instance, that you're driving a 10 year old car and your neighbor is driving a brand new Mercedes? At the end of the day, it does not matter.
I use to drive an Audi, and I even brought a brand new minivan. Today, I could care less. I do not want the computer generated car that could crash like my computer. I do not want the high insurance bill or higher taxes associated with it either. The car is just one analogy, and I am not saying there is not a need to balance out material with the spiritual either.
How would you live your life, if you did work so hard to pay for THINGS that really and truly do not matter at the end of the day?
No better sounds to meditate to and connect to soul and spirit than sitting on the quiet beach with the crashing waves and smells of the ocean |
Once we have separated our ego self from our soulful self, we began the next lesson - the rediscovery of self. For some of us, we had some very painful lessons and purges. Some of us lost our families and everything that was material literally. At the time, this may have felt or may still feel quite devastating, but when we can shift our perspective and learn to communicate with our higher self, we can see the world from a whole new perspective. We can not add new experiences if our hands are full with the old. Sometimes, if we are quite resistant to change, the Universe forces a hand.
Let's look at cleaning and/or organizing a home. If you are someone like me, you can feel quite overwhelmed easily when there is chaos and disorganization. You may have feelings like you have no idea where to begin and thus leading to procrastination and clutter. For those of us who have experienced this, how would it feel if you had someone else come in and organize and clean for you? You may have moments of resistance to "things", but focus on the end result and how that would feel. Can you feel the ahhhhhhhhhhh?
A young male buck Laura saw this fall with a subsequent message from spirit |
If your mind, body, and soul are your home, and the Universe cleaned up for you, then why do we see it as a traumatic experience? This is just a question and there is no wrong answer to this one. It is just food for thought and a shift of perspective is all. As human beings, we develop attachments to people, places and things.
Trauma can be a big road block. I have had my share of trying to personally overcome my blocks as a result of past traumas. There was a moment in my life where I sought help and protections from the very agencies that were designed to help people like me many many years ago where I felt betrayed and left out in the cold.
If I could not trust people, our government, our faith based organizations, our nonprofit agencies to help us, then who do we trust?
When we can learn to detach from some of this "stuff", it becomes easier to focus on what really matters, which leads me to the next lesson this year - for partnership with soul. When I could trust no one, I then began learning to trust the divine, communicate with the divine more efficiently and effectively, and built a stronger relationship with my soul.
The heart Laura saw on Thanksgiving Day |
So, my spirit team and I designed a communication tool where they let me know through signs and messages through nature to remind me I am on the right path and to keep moving forward.
I have received many signs from hearts to birds to deer and other shapes in the sky. If you scroll through this blog you will see all the writings about my journey this year alone.
The heart as seen here was one of three given to me on Thanksgiving day as I stepped outside for a moment to walk my dog before people arrived at my home. This heart was at the bottom of my steps to my front door and it was one of three hearts seen that day. The other 2 were seen during the bonfire I attended that evening where we gathered a group for some drumming giving thanks to the town, the people, mother earth, the moon, and spirit.
It was a sure message that we are never alone. Our loved ones in spirit and our spirit team is always with us. It is just a matter of whether or not we are listening.
Some of the turkeys Laura has had the privilege of watching and learning from in 2015 |
The flock of 5 turkeys and many more, as seen here, have been frequent guests this year too. I have watched them grow up from hatchlings to young adults. They have served as a great reminder of where I'm going and to let go of fear. Even though I KNOW to trust in the divine, my soul, and my spirit team, my ego still likes to throw out temptations to fear and all that I am letting go.
Recently, they gave me a blessing knowing it's safe to trust and tools to know difference. Nature is such a beautiful aid in our path if we just slow down a moment and learn to reconnect again.
I recently watched one of the juvenile turkeys go round and round and round this mirror outside my home for over 45 minutes. I chuckled at the behavior as the other four were eating the fallen bird seed from the feeder wondering what the message he was trying to make and then I heard it from Spirit.
The jouvenile that captured Laura's attention. for 45 min |
"Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge."
So many of us are resisting the path of soul. I can relate to the message from the turkey, but I am now further in my path partnering with soul. I can assure you it may seem scary because of what society dictates to us on how to be, but it is so worth it. One day I will share my full story with you in hopes to help someone else along their path.
To those who are having a difficult time being grateful or seeing the light, please hold on and have faith. Trust that your soul has your back if nothing else.
The crystalized light is extraordinary Hope you see it. |
I see your light. Believe it.
May it shine brightly and shatter the looming darkness around you.
May your light give you clarity.
May your light give you strength.
2016 is going to be a magnificent year. It is all about how you choose to perceive your world and where you are currently at in your spiritual development partnering with soul and living a more soulful path.
It is crucial more than ever to develop a partnership with your soul - the ultimate love affair that lasts for an eternity. Your soul is your guide and can help you attune and navigate the ever changing waves of energy.
An important message my spirit team shared with me and I shared with you |
We are all one. We are all being called to unite as one for the betterment of all life. We can change the world and make it a better place, but it all starts with finding peace within and to stop the raging wars that reside within self.
Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It's a new day. We can make today what we choose it to be. So why not choose to have a great day.
I appreciate you.
Laura Healing With Spirit,
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Jikiden Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Spiritual Guidance, Soul Mentorship
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent