Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Changes, Growth, Healing, Authenticity and the Holidays Ahead as We Close Out 2017

Wow, what a ride this past November. Have you shifted out of your comfort zone yet? Have you made peace with the shadow part of self?

We are still experiencing a tremendous shift in consciousness and what a "shift" storm it has been. There are lots of changes and revelations as we prepare to close out 2017.

Truths continue to be revealed.

Shadows continue to be brought into the light.

My question to you, Do you bless your junk?

As a trauma survivor, it was refreshing to see all that came to light this past month. I felt in some cases my voice was being heard through so many other survivors of abuse. Yup #metoo.

BUT ... for me, I choose to focus on the healing and the gifts born out of a horrible experience. Please check out my video on "Today I Bless My Junk #MeToo".

My hope is to shed light and understanding in order to create a positive shift in perception, healing, reality, dimensions, and higher consciousness.

So much may have been perceived to go wrong lately, but with that said, so much has been gifted to us in the form of awakening, growth, and lessons.

Growth is many times is not always easy and sometimes results in metaphorical death. However, if we shift our perspective just a little and see the world through a different lens, we just might surprise ourselves.

The holidays are here!

The holiday season is a time of giving and thanks for what we’ve been given, and the gift of healing and self care is a great way to show your loved ones you care.

Who doesn’t love the look on someone’s face when they open something special from you?

Try this ... lets all do a random act of kindness this holiday season and shift the global consciousness one frequency and vibration at a time.

Are you in?


Be sure to read "Conquer Toxic Holiday Stress"  for tips to guide you through the holidays.

Also, be sure you take care of YOU. That means take a pause when needed or a nap if you feel inclined. The self care mantra has pounded us til we are raw, yet so many of us are still resisting? Why? Are you self punishing? Cut the crap, and start cherishing YOU and taking care of YOU.

Come in for some reiki or vibrational healing with the Tibetan bowls and clear out some toxicity and restore wholenness. OR come in for some spiritual guidance and coaching.

I am not your go to? That is fine too. Just find someone who can assist you on your path. Remember, what you may have considered the norm in the past is no longer the norm.

It is time to shift your vibration and live more authentic and true.

My goal is to help illuminate your soul, guide you on your path, remove toxicity and restore wholeness. I offer a variety of spiritually based holistic health enrichment:
  • Trauma 
  • Dementia 
  • End of Life 
  • Pre-op/Post-Op 
  • Anxiety/PTSD 
  • Stress 
  • Spiritual Healing 
  • Cancer 
  • Pets 
  • Pain 
  • Physical Injuries 
  • Digestive Issues
  • and more ...

Looking for a unique gift for a loved one?

We offer gift certificates at any dollar amount. Contact us to purchase your gift certificate today. Gift Certificates can also be mailed directly to your loved one. Inquire for details today!
In the meantime, don't forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.
With love and appreciation,


Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Speaker, and Healer
Providing Spiritually based holistic health enrichment

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Balancing Your Beliefs: TV Interview With Laura from Healing With Spirit

Here is the interview with Larry Quemere and Laura from Healing With Spirit on the topic of being a Spiritual Medium and the human bioenergy field which aired in December 2015.

For more information on Healing With Spirit, please visit Laura's website

With Love,
Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services

Copyright 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Day of Giving Thanks as We Go Into The Holiday Season

Yes, I've been busy with readings, spiritual guidance, reiki, readings, spiritual guidance, and more reiki. It's not to boast on how great I am, but it's an acknowledgement on how far I have come and how thankful I am. 

I let go of what was and a life I thought I had. I surrendered to Spirit over a period of 10 years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul. I'm a masterpiece painting in progress.

Yes, I am busy today and tomorrow before taking a break for a super long weekend to be with loved ones. I am grateful and fortunate I am in a position to do so and chose to prioritize loved ones in my life.

I am grateful to all of you. I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for where I am going.

These turkeys have been frequent guests this year. I have watched them grow up from hatchlings to young adults. They have served as a great reminder of where I'm going and to let go of fear. Recently, they gave me a blessing knowing it's safe to trust and tools to know difference. 

Life for me has not always been easy for me and I had my share of dark days. Some of you know my story, but many don't. That's ok. 

To those who are having a difficult time being grateful or seeing the light, please hold on and have faith.

I see your light. Believe it. May it shine brightly and shatter the looming darkness around you. May your light give you clarity. May your light give you strength.

Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I saw this as I stepped outside for a moment on Thanksgiving Day before people arrived at my home. This was one of three hearts seen that day. The other 2 were seen during the bonfire.

We are never alone. Our loved ones in spirit and our spirit team is always with us.

It's a new day, a new week. We can make today what we choose it to be. So why not choose to have a great day. 

I appreciate you.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Lessons During The Bipolar Ping Pong Match of Emotions to Paradoxical Extremes

Sunset February 28, 2015 (c) Laura Healing With Spirit

Ahhhhhh March is finally here. February sure proved to be a struggle for so many. What we've experienced lately is what I want to call, "a bipolar ping pong match" of emotions to paradoxical extremes ... And ... if you live in New England, you know what I mean with the constant bombardment of snow storms right after another literally and metaphorically with the fallout of lots of anger, frustration, stress as well as peace, beauty, and grace. Many even experienced roof collapses, loss of work, injuries, accidents,or burst pipes.

February 2015 after receiving over 95" of snow in Weymouth, MA
(c) Laura Healing With Spirit.

We came into the new year knowing it would begin with some challenges with stuff we still needed to work on that was residual from last year before it balanced out. However, what we've experienced lately was way above our expectations to say the least. Nonetheless, we gained many valuable lessons that will carry us through to the next chapter in our life if we paid attention.  

I recently read a post by Abraham-Hicks that made me stop and think as it relates to everything that has been occurring in and around us.
"In the same way that the Law of Attraction is responding to the thoughts, words, and actions that you are offering here in your physical reality, the Law of Attraction is always responding powerfully to your Vibrational Reality. When the Law of Attraction, the Universal manager of all Vibrations, responds to the clarity of Vibration offered by your expanding Inner Being, the result is a powerful swirling Vortex of attraction."

You may need to read that several times for it to truly sink in. We create our own realities by the very vibrations or ripples we create. Have you taken an assessment lately of the vibrations you are creating? Are you running ragged without a thought to what is being created vibrationally or are you taking time out to realize this is all part of the greater master plan to bring us closer to our divine soulful path to what we came in this world to do?

Are you focused on all the drama, chaos, and tragedy around you or are you seeing the silver lining through it all? Do you see the blank pages ahead of you? You are the author of your own life. You choose from this moment on what is written in those pages.

Is the path you seek visible? Blocked? or Open? 
(c) 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit

Over the past several weeks, we've seen an uprising of peace, beauty, and positive change mixed with sudden bursts of fury and rage. With each occurrence, we were tested ... challenged ... to become the master of our own ship. We were reminded to shift our focus and count our blessings. 

None of us were immune. I know for me personally February was difficult on many levels. The challenges I have been attempting to clear, purge, and heal over the last 10 years were magnified over the past several weeks. However, we are all given choices. We could choose to wallow in our chaos or rise above it.

The first step is to always remain present no matter what life presents to you. Living in the past and the future if you have tried is like a hamster riding the wheel and can't get off. Nothing changes.

The past is past and can not be changed no matter what you do. Staying there only holds you back and breeds depression. Ever see the movie Groundhog DayWell staying in the past, is like reliving the same day over and over and over again and no matter what you do. It is always the same. So how do you break the cycle? Start with acceptance and forgiveness of the past and all those associated with it.

Living in the future with all the what if's, only breeds worrying and anxiety of things, people, and situations that may never happen which could lead to more negative outcomes. So what are your choices? Stay present and begin manifesting what you want.

So what did I do?

I chose to see all the chaos and fury that was around me with the beauty and magic in it all. I even devouted a series of photos called the "The 2015 Ice-capades of Icicle Craziness" as part of my journey and discovery. I chose to appreciate the beauty and the paradox at the same time of such destruction by mother nature from these recent winter storms. I can not recall the last time I saw such magnificent icicles in my lifetime. These were quite beautiful in the fury and destruction of it all.

Here is a sampling of my pictures from my icicle ventures ...

(c) 2015 Laura healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

(c) 2015 Laura healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved
(c) 2015 Laura healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

What else did I learn?

I learned to surround myself with others who not only would see the bright side of things, but knew me well enough to remind me of the journey and path I am on. Hence, staying focused on the goal on where I want to be in my life. 

So I continued to engulf myself in these storms from their beauty in the fury to the life that emerges afterwards. I travelled to various parts of Massachusetts looking to see what Mother Nature had in store for me. I saw this as an adventure and an exciting one at that. 

Here is a sampling of images from my journey this past month.

For myself, I chose appreciate the small things and count my blessings through all this chaos. A lot of possibilities arose if we open ourselves to see.

Spring is around the corner. All the storms we have been experiencing literally and metaphorically will soon come to an end. The grips of Father winter are waning with the emergence of spring.  March is finally here and marks change no matter where you are on the planet. It also signifies a new season of life for those on the northern hemisphere. Right now it is important to keep the faith under all the blankets of snow.
New growth is upon all of us.  March signifies the emergence of spring and the beginning of your seeds to emerge from the ground. This is a huge transformational month for all of us. How we choose our thoughts ... How we choose to act and react ... How we choose to move forward ... How we nurture those seeds are crucial. So be aware and mindful, but make sure to keep the faith.... How we nourish those seeds we planted will determine the outcome. 
A robin feeding on sycamore seeds the day after a major snow storm
(c) 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit.

What February has taught us was quite valuable even though you may not quite see it yet. Just like you don't see the emergence of crocuses, tulips, and daffodils under the mountains of snow waiting to burst through. 

The universe is asking you to get a grip of your emotions and step outside the box so you can look at things from a new perspective. It is time for you to surrender your anxieties and worries over to the Universe and let go of things you can not control.

So just for today, pause for a moment. Take a slow deep breath and focus on all the positives in your life. Stay present and begin to watch your life transform. You just might surprise yourself about what you will discover. You have a blank page and new chapter. What will you write? The Universe has spoken like the Great Oz himself. Now the choice is yours on what to do.  

Have a blessed day.

Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 

SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services 


(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Spiritual Paradoxes After A Storm

Sunrise in Quincy, Ma February, 25, 2015 (c) Laura Healing With Spirit All rights reserved. 

"Never forget the beauty that rises after every storm." The sun returns and this morning's sunrise in #Quincyma after last night's snowfall is absolutely magnificent. 

More snow? Well there sure has been some paradoxical extremes lately ... And ... if you live in New England,  you know what I mean with the constant bombardment of snow storms and blizzards right after another over the past six weeks with the fallout of lots of anger, frustration, and stress. 

We came into the new year knowing it would begin with some challenges before it balances out. However, what we've experienced was above our expectations to say least so far, but with many valuable lessons if you pay attention. 

We've seen an uprising of peace, beauty, and positive change mixed with sudden bursts of fury. This sunrise is a reminder to shift your focus and count your blessings.  Spring is around the corner literally and metaphorically. How we nourish those seeds we planted will determine the outcome.  

So just for today, focus on all the positives in your life,  and watch your life transform.  You have a blank page and new chapter. What will you write?  The Universe has spoken like the Great Oz himself.  Now the choice is yours on what to do.  Have a blessed day.  

Laura  Healing With Spirit, 
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit

SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Stress Reduction, Spiritual Guidance

Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services


(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent