Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Your Soul Is Trying To Awaken. Are You Listening To The Signs?

Wow what a September it has been. Talk about a roller coaster ride. Our soul has been tugging on us to wake up. Have you been feeling this?

I have been noticing for some there have been major breakthroughs and a sigh of relief.

For others, the challenges just seem to be piling on.

If you are like me and have been talking to others in the Spiritual community or even in healthcare especially psychotherapy, the synchronicities have been amplified like we have never seen before in this lifetime. There are common themes I have been noticing.
  • We are not alone. We are all one and connected energetically as one. Many of us already knew this, but it seems to be really drilled home.
  • Many people are reporting similar chaotic experiences occurring at the same time.
  • Those who are experiencing challenges especially involving a parent/child relationship, have been greatly tested.
  • Those who are resistant ... deliberately, not deliberately or even subconsciously ... to the current cosmic shifts and calls from the soul are experiencing heightened health issues such as insomnia, anxiety, panic, heart issues, digestive issues, moodiness and more.
For those feeling frustrated, anxious, or having sleep difficulties etc ... There are a couple of things that could be happening. Here are some tips to help you sort out.
  1. Ask yourself what is it that you are still resistant to change? If you are resisting what your soul is beckoning from you why? Let go and trust your soul has got your back.
  2. Your physical body may be purging, recalibrating energetically, downloading, or if you are a sensitive or empath, you just might be plain ol feeling the effects of all the cosmic shifts from mercury retrograde to the full moon lunar eclipse on September 27, 2015 to the solar flares etc
We are being called to align with soul. For those who have been following me, have been hearing me say "Trust, your soul has got your back" for quite some time now. And our soul and Spirit have been bombarding us with signs to help us along the way.

Have been experiencing such phenomena?

Here is my experience just the past few weeks and I am amazed at Spirit every time. We are always receiving messages from heaven. It's just whether or not we choose to see the signs from our soul, our loved ones, guides, and angels.

For me personally, I have been hit with lots of "signs" from Spirit and soul. Every day it seems like something whether through repeating numbers or other signs such as:
  • Walking to the car, home, in nature, or the like and a feather is somehow beneath my feet. This happening once? Ok, but happening sometimes as much as ten times in one day? That is something one can not ignore. I must preface to say that if you are going and deliberately seeking to find signs, you may not get them. In every one of my experiences, the signs have fallen upon me without seeking like a detective. They just happened.
  • Certain wildlife interactions as if they have something to say. These are not the normal run ins, but ones that either suddenly repeat occurrences, are profound in how these interactions occurred, and usually occur in themes such as you are upset at something, or worried about something, having relationship difficulties, unsure of where you are going in life etc.
  • Signs through the elements - Spirit can alter the elements such as water in the clouds or fire to reveal what they want you to know. I have been receiving signs for years, but the last 30 days have been extraordinary.
  • Signs such as hearts or pennies. Again, if like me and they are happening numerous times in one day, then you need to stop and really pay attention and listen.

Signs? Everywhere there are signs?

Here are some signs I have been guided to share with you that I have personally experienced over the last 30 days.

On this day, I was walking to my car and just happened to look up at the clouds to see several signs. These cloud pictures were taken on the same day at the same location.

It was like a spirit mural of messages.
"The Angel"
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

The swooping heart downward was the first that caught my eye yet the last in the messages.

Then when I glance over I saw the Angel with a cardinal beneath her holding a ball of white light. Can you see the image in the picture to the right?

The feelings of peace instantly filled me up as I was having a challenging week. These are the words not spoken but clearly understood, and grateful.

A smile instantly over came me and my worries instantly dissipated that day.

"The Spirit Messenger Bird"
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved
However, it was not until I decided to clean out my photos a few days later that some very striking images appeared that I did not see before.

There are two that I am posting here.
The first photograph is to the left ... The Spirit Messenger Bird. Every time I look at this photo, I just want to go WOW.

I am in complete awe at the size of this image and the clarity of the details. The photo can not give you the sense of scale, size, or emotion as it was quite large in the sky.

I'm almost speechless. When I saw this bird in the clouds, it did bring me a tear of joy.

Things are changing my friends.

Keep the faith.

Stay positive.

Never lose hope.

"The Medieval Horse Rising From The Flames"
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All RIghts Reserved
The second image I took several weeks ago. Do you see the image?   This particular image was not revealed to me until few weeks after it was taken.

I was sitting at around this fire pit while on Cape Cod and felt a spiritual presence around with a very transformative message for someone who was with me that evening. I was also guided to snap a few pics.

The message I channeled that was helpful and healing to that person and something  this person needed to hear to heal karmic ties with multiple past lives.

I am also grateful for when Spirit materializes or gives us signs such as this to confirm those messages and prove the continuity of life.

This message was both for me and the other party. The image was to validate the experience we both shared in healing the past and knowing we are divinely protected at all times.

This month's energies have been quite challenging to say the least, but I am still smiling. I'm still grateful. I'm still filled with peace in my heart. When we come from a place of gratitude instead of fear, the challenges we are faced are met with clearer and swifter solutions.

We are shedding off the old to reveal the new.

We are in this together. Together we can choose to enjoy this ride called life. It is important to try to embrace these energies with welcome arms even in times of adversity. Let go resistance, and trust your soul has got your back.

We are all going through great transformations.

It is time to shed the old to allow the new. We are emerging into the beautiful butterflies from the dark cocoons. Embrace the change

What signs from heaven have you been getting? I'd love to hear.

With love and light,
 Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

To schedule a private reading in person or via phone, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit

SERVICES: Psychic Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Medicine, Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Holistic Health, Meditation, Stress Reduction, Spiritual and Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition


(C)2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights reserved

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Seven Steps to Learning to Trust and Following Your Spiritual Path

The Universe has been busy trying to show us the way back to our soulful path and live a more authentic life. Some of us get it and have been working at following it. Others may feel lost and not sure what is going on.

I would like you to take a moment right now.


Take a deep breath and answer the following questions.

How is your emotional plane today? How are you surfing these latest emotional waves?

Those who have been around me, have been hearing me say quite frequently like a skipping record to "trust ... your soul has got your back".

We are all experiencing changes. Some of us are experiencing changes that are easier than others. However, none of us are immune. This is just a simple reminder to follow your soulful path, and to know your soul has got your back.

Here is a thought to ponder for the day:
"What am I attracting into my life? What vibrations and frequencies am I sending out?" 
You can not control what others do, and sometimes you can not control certain situations and circumstances, but you can control your reaction to them.

If you are looking for solutions to your current situation, circumstance, or road block, the answers you seek lie within.

If you are thinking,
"But I pray and ask, but I never get anything?", you may be doing one of the following:
  • You may not be listening to the signs and answers sent to you from the Universe
  • You may be resisting the changes needed in your life to help you live a more authentic or soulful life.
  • You may be trying too hard, blocking the flow of information and energy to you like a tourniquet cutting off blood supply to your spirit.
As a society we are bombarded with technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality with very little time to attend to the needs of the self leaving many feeling like:
  • We do not know who we are
  • Why we are here
  • What did we come here to do in this lifetime or
  • What we like without fear of what society thinks or caving to the pressures to the demands of society. 
 I was recently talking about my trip to Africa, and what I learned about the impact of these types of energies being completely unplugged for approximately 30 days. When I returned, I was shocked to learn I became more heightened to the sensitivities of all these electrical stimuli. I began hearing simple buzzing of the tv and appliances that were plugged in, yet were turned off.

I was completely astounded by this experience and wanted to learn more about the impacts to the human body.  So over the years, I learned more about the physiology of the human body as well as paid attention to the many scientific studies regarding electrical impulses on the body.
First and foremost, we must realize that the human body generates its own electrical currents. Without the ability to generate electricity, we would be dead.  As soon as we can realize this, we can begin to learn to unplug once again, and restore our bodies to the natural state of homeostasis.  This is the beginning to opening the self to understanding the relationship you have with your soul and how all the "junk" in our lives blocks us from following our soulful path.

Here are seven simple steps to learning to trust in your spiritual path and letting your soul guide you.

Unplug. This is simple. Unplug from technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality. Knowing this and actually implementing this simple change are two separate issues and maybe difficult for some to do due to habits and lifestyles. 

My thought to you:
You may never know how good you could have it, if you never do this and see what happens.

This does take time and patience as this is a lifestyle change.

Partner with your soul. - This means you need to learn to become your soul's best friend. Talk to your soul as if you would your best friend. Discover your soul's likes and dislikes. Discover why you are here and let your soul help you in your daily life. If you are saying to me, how do I do this?, the answer is by quieting the mind and learning at attune to the energies within and listening.

Create affirmations and mantras.  Here is an affirmation to help you through the day:  Today, I am letting my emotions surf the waves with uttermost confidence knowing my soul has got my back.

Let go resistance to change. Resistance is fear based. The two strongest emotions are fear and love, and they can not coexist. We must realize that what our soul wants and the Universe is stronger than what we want, which by the way is ego based. By learning to surrender ego and resistance, you release that tourniquet and open the flow of energies. When these energies are opened, anything is possible. The choice is yours and this is where free will steps in.

For me, it's about learning to let go, and trusting in the process. Be mindful of your choices and reactions. That's part of the lesson. How we react to people, ...situations, and things can dictate which path you travel down. 

Ride the waves of energetic changes with confidence and poise.  If you have noticed over the past year, those who have fought hard resisting changes, are the ones with the most difficult lessons. Those who rode the waves, stayed present, and embraced whatever changes came their way, had much smoother transitions.

Trust in your path.  This is especially evident with those struggling with faith and trust. Here you are asked to trust and have faith in the divine. I hear a lot of people say to me, "But I am all alone and it is difficult". My answer to you is "You are never alone. You are always loved and surrounded by the divine. You just have to quiet the mind long enough to feel it, see it, and hear it."

Practice daily awareness and mindfulness. This means, pay attention to your thoughts, vibrations, and actions. These all create ripples. Are you creating positive ripples or negative ones? Please visit my post on the ripple effect on how to create the ripples you desire in your life.

The Universe is reminding has been reminding us, like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz,  we've had the power all along.

We have been tested. Many spirits have been broken. BUT now, we learn that what we are truly seeking lies within us.
All the answers to your prayers ... All the healing to you ailments ... All the peace, joy, happiness ... All the abundance you desire ... All lie within. 

This is a lesson about going within and learning to shift. You just need to get out of your own way and partner with your higher self and the Universe.  Success is closer than you think. 

Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

Much of what I share with you comes from Spirit as part of my own personal spiritual journey, healing and growth. I share because I know I'm not alone. I share because I know somewhere someone else can benefit. I share because it helps me in my spiritual development.... For that I thank you. We are all in this together. ...

With love and light,

 Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It's All How We Perceive Our World - A Message From The Divine

The Flowers with the honey bee as I walked to my car in the morning
Copy Right 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit
There have been lots of synchronistic events and transitions over the past week with an overwhelming feeling of "Have Faith". Can you feel it?

All these shifts seemed to have started beginning with the Summer Solstice followed by many solar flares. For me personally, I have experienced an extraordinary amount of synchronistic events with the "faith" theme beginning to sound like a skipping record. Does that resonate with you?

Love this
(c) Karen Salmansohn
These shifts seemed to come in like waves of energy bursting bubbles, shifting the sands, removing what no longer is necessary, and freeing us to move into our soulful path.

So with these shifts, I decided to move outside my teaching comfort zone, which can be quite structured and regimented, and listened to Spirit in regards to the planning of my most recent Reiki Continuing Education Class.

Since we had a small group, I decided to take a chance and do the first portion of the class blending reiki continuing education with the energies from the Jade Buddha for Universal Peace that was visiting us until the following day before it was shipped to its final destination in Australia.
2015 Reiki Continuation Group at the
Jade Buddha For Universal Peace
As nervous as I was about doing this at this location, with wandering thoughts of
"What will people think",
"Will I or the class be effective there"
"Will I be able to convey the history of reiki with its roots to Buddhism"
"Will I be able to get my students to feel the kind of energies at that location with a definite purpose"
These feelings and thoughts by the way, neither of my students know until now. What I learned was to get out of my own way, and have faith in what Spirit was showing me, because this posed an opportunity for all of us to grow spiritually.
What a great decision to come here that day for 1st part of the class. Tomorrow is the last day before it heads to Australia.

What an incredible day it was with lots of reiki energy, reiki healing, reiki love, and just being reiki. I worked myself up for no reason, but quickly recognized that and "chose" to listen and follow spirit.
We brought our Tibetan bowls to be used to start off the day, and we were graced by the presence founding Buddhist Monk of this site in Abington, MA. His words of wisdom he gave us and his use of the bowls were priceless and synchronistic.

Where am I going with all this?

My own schedule lately has been quite a hectic one and I have my problems too like everyone else, but the only difference between all of us is how we perceive what is around us, what is in us, what moves through us and how we react to situations, people and things.

I wanted to share with you my morning experience with a message behind it.

Within minutes of walking to my car, I experienced some beautiful magic. Between these beautiful flowers filled with honey bees, my three turkey visitors, and my very vocal cardinal friend, who could ask for a better start to the day.

My trio of visitors as I left the house.
What a beautiful start to the day.
Thank you Great Spirit for this day.
Photo (c) 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit
Everything in our life is all how we perceive our world. We all experience challenges, but it is how we face them and view them is what makes all the difference.

(I apologize in advance for the language, but felt it was important to drive home the message) Everyone is either in a shit storm, just getting out of a shit storm, or currently in a shit storm.

I could have chose to think, feel , and say things like:
"I am broke and life sucks"
"I have no place that I can call home"
"I hate my job"
"My family doesn't appreciate me"
"I hate the way I look"
"I am not good enough"
"What's wrong with me"

However, I didn't. Do any of those things sound familiar? Are you laughing right now at how silly the things we say to ourselves? Ok are you at least smiling? Those are things, thoughts, and words I use to say to myself daily, but made a conscious decision to stop doing that.

I choose to be grateful and appreciate everything. The day we make that choice, is the day we begin to create new neuropathways in the brain. With new neuropathways, we create new habits and thoughts and life begins to change.

We can be a victim of our circumstance or we can rise above. We choose how we view the circumstances in our lives and how we react to them.

Don't be a victim of circumstance. Champion above them.

I believe in you.

I have faith in you.

It I didn't, we would not be connected - regardless of how much or how little. We are connected.

I remember when it down poured the other day, I saw many posts saying things like:
"Ugggg my weekend is ruined"
"this sucks, cuz I can't go to the beach"
However, I saw the much needed rain after the week of divine synchronicities and messages, as an opportunity. This was an opportunity to go within. This soaking rhythms of the rain provided us a gift for the opportunity to listen to the soul.

Remember, the Universe is constantly providing us with opportunities. We just need to be open to see it and take notice so we can act. The biggest challenge many times is getting in our own way and not going with the flow of the Universe, which is a theme that has been carried through since the year 2015 began. So, get out of your own way and begin living the way of your soul. What do you have to lose?

So be mindful of your thoughts. None of us are immune. Change takes time and discipline and above all faith.

You ARE capable. Have FAITH!  As the wizard would tell Dorothy:
 "You have had the power all along my dear"

#‎Thoughtfortoday‬: focus on faith not fear.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on my writing as it helps me help you.

Have an enlightening day. Namaste

A gift from spirit sent to you with light and love,

Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Jikiden Reiki Practitioner
Healing With Spirit Website:
To book an event, guest appearance, reiki session, reading, party, or class, please contact me here
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual and Holistic Health Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

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Friday, May 8, 2015

Be Kind To Yourself As We Transition


"Today is Friday. As we move throughout the day, don't forget to be kind to yourself. Energies have been quite intense lately. There's been a lot of drastic and some very hard energetic shifts that has affected Mother Earth and everything in us and around us. We hear your cries. We hear your pleas. We are letting you know we are here to help. All you have to do is ask. Be open to receive. Then listen and be patient as we help you work through the sit...uation. In the meantime, it is important to be mindful of your internal dialog. So many say such dreadful things to self you would never say to another. Please stop. Be gentle and kind with yourself as we help you and guide you through these waves of change." 

A gift from spirit sent to you with light and love,

Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spiritual Purging? 10 Tips on What You Can Do To Ease The Transition During The Cosmic Shifts

"Clearing away the old to make room for the new"
- Laura Healing With Spirit (c) 2015
Feeling tired? Been sick? Not sure if you have a cold, the flu or just something in between? Experiencing a storm?

You are not alone. This blog is dedicated to share my personal journey through these recent cosmic shifts and what you can do. Many of us have been experiencing quite a bit of cosmic purging with ascension symptoms that are becoming physical manifestations of a cold or something flu-like. If this sounds like you, I've got it too. It feels flu like, but it is not.

But how do I know the difference between being sick and a spiritual purge? Well it could be one or the other or a manifestation of both. I personally experienced both.

First of all, if you have any physical, mental , or emotional ailments, make sure you seek proper medical attention as necessary. If everything is ruled out or something seems grander than your diagnosis, then consider your experience one of cosmic proportion.

Well let's take a quick review of recent cosmic events. For the last several months we have been reviewing, redoing, purging, and letting go of what no longer serves us so we may ring in the new us. 

If you have been watching or reading any of the astrological or cosmic reports lately, the kind of changes we are experiencing are of grand magnitudes like we have never experienced before in our lifetimes. We are all experiencing these changes including Mother Earth as I wrote about on February 25th on the Spiritual Paradoxes After A Storm.

The last few weeks may have felt like emotions to extremes as I wrote about on March 2nd with Lessons During The Bipolar Ping Pong Match of Emotions To Extremes. We have experienced a multitude of solar flares, soulful upgrades, planetary shifts, super full moons and super new moons, and the like.

Today I surrender to what is.
I let go of what was.
I have faith in God in what will be. - Laura Healing With Spirit
I like most of you have been doing my work to let go and let God ... to purge whatever resistance is holding me back from receiving all that I deserve ... to let go control and fears ... to trust more and have faith in the my divine purpose ... to believe in my divine purpose ... and then suddenly, on Friday March 20th, 2015 on Super new moon, spring/fall equinox (depending on which side of the equator you are on) and the Solar eclipse, wham I get hit with a flu-like illness. It started off Monday, March 16th with overwhelming fatigue that grew throughout the week.
I found the timing of me getting sick with the most recent new moon, solar eclipse, and Spring Equinox is quite interesting. I was aware of what this manifestation could be and resorted to my holistic methods to treat the physical ailments while doing the spiritual work to treat the mental and spiritual components.

"After a storm rises lessons of renewal"
- Laura Healing With Spirit (c) 2014
The roller coaster of symptoms I've personally experienced over the past week with onset of cold-like/flu-like symptoms on Friday were puzzling.

From fatigue and insomnia to fatigue and oversleeping to flu-like break out to quick recovery in 48hrs to relapse with increase in body aches, sinus headaches, and ear aches to understanding that this is part of what I am supposed to experience right now in order to clear the path for the new to having some deep conversations with a trusted confidant. 
I do practice what I preach, but I am still human like all of you. I am aware of the energy vibrations I that are reflected back from the Universe and the energy vibrations I send out. I am getting better every day like all of you. Whether good or bad, the chaotic energies we have been experiencing have exaggerated some things in our life to bring attention to unfinished business, and in some cases exaggerated things to a point of non-reality.  I wrote about how to safeguard yourself from these kind of issues on March 19th with  10 Tips To Get You Through The March 20th Equinox, Super New Moon, and Solar Eclipse
Like many of you, I told myself "But I did a lot of purging and acceptance and letting go, there is not anything left?" Can you relate at all? If that were true, then my recent illness would not have resulted. Sometimes the biggest lies we tell are to ourselves. No one is immune to this.
"Dear Universe, Please help me to find and implement
solutions to life's difficulties. Thank you"
- Laura Healing With Spirit (c) 2013-2015
It is important to remember as we journey to the next phase of our life, remember what shifts we are wanting to create. This is a journey to be taken inward right now. All the answers we seek lie within. However, some external guidance from someone who has your highest and best interest at hand can assist you with identifying those shifts as it was deeply helpful for me.
We are being given an opportunity to change our life and fully align with the Universe as long as we let go of all of the things holding us back.  The biggest challenge for many of us is about learning to let go and let God knowing we are in good hands. Hence, get out of our own way. A lesson I know ohhhhh too well, and clearly the Universe is reminding me to get out of my own way.
I write a lot about messages from the divine and one especially comes to mind Expansion Mode ... Getting Unstuck ... Moving Past Fear that I wrote about my connection to the divine and messages I received that day from a hawk. There is no coincidences in life ... just synchronicities. This redtail hawk seen that day was a wonderful confirmation of where we are and how to move forward.

Basically, the Universe is reminding all of us once again, like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz, we've had the power all along.
Breathe in... Breathe out - Laura Healing With Spirit
Right now you are being asked to reach deep within and up your own in your inner reserve. Take a deep breathe. Quiet the mind and rise or lift above the emotional level that has been wreaking havoc in your life lately.
While calming the mind, you get clarity. While here, try to separate from any turmoil that you may find disruptive. So it is a matter of shifting perspective in this case.

After you do this, take some mental notes. Observe what is happening around you. Don't partake especially if you sense any kind of opposition or hostility. Just become the observer.
This is a lesson about going within and learning to shift. You can take another approach to whatever has been resistant and still achieve your purpose. Hence the term, think outside the box. Success is closer than you think.

2015; The Year For Manifesting and Empowerment.
(c) 2015 Healing With Spirit
You just need to get out of your own way and partner with your higher self and the Universe. Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

Remember, 2015; The Year For Manifesting and Empowerment.  This is the year for mastering inner strength, leaving fear behind us and manifesting miracles for success. The Universe has been assisting us by clearing a path for us. However, are we too busy being busy to see ... to hear ... to feel?

So here are the tips to take with you today:
  1. We are being called upon to first listen. We say our prayers and ask all the time, but few actually take the time out to listen for the responses.
  2. Get plenty of restful sleep. Our bodies do most of its repair while asleep.
  3. Tune out and turn off electronic devises as all they create more static energy vibrations.
  4. Drink plenty of water. This will keep your body well hydrated as well as assist the body in removing toxins.
  5. Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid processed foods.
  6. Be mindful of your energy ... actions and reactions. Spring cleaning maybe called to order.
  7. Practice the art of forgiveness and start with the self. It is hard to forgive others if we first do not forgive ourselves. This is a topic that I am feeling to be writing more about for the month of April. So stay tuned. 
  8. Allow yourself to grieve over anything that is still unresolved. It is time to give yourself permission and stop resisting. Resisting or ignoring will just breed illness and dis-ease.
  9. Get outside and into nature. This has a multitude of benefits including:
    1. Nature helps us to reconnect with the self;
    2. It grounds us
    3. It has healing properties and much more.
  10. Finally, let go and trust that the Universe has your back. This is a huge test of faith.
With Faith ... anything is possible. - Laura Healing With Spirit

As always, I would love to hear about your experiences. Please leave your feedback as it helps me help you. Have a blessed day.

Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Spiritual Paradoxes After A Storm

Sunrise in Quincy, Ma February, 25, 2015 (c) Laura Healing With Spirit All rights reserved. 

"Never forget the beauty that rises after every storm." The sun returns and this morning's sunrise in #Quincyma after last night's snowfall is absolutely magnificent. 

More snow? Well there sure has been some paradoxical extremes lately ... And ... if you live in New England,  you know what I mean with the constant bombardment of snow storms and blizzards right after another over the past six weeks with the fallout of lots of anger, frustration, and stress. 

We came into the new year knowing it would begin with some challenges before it balances out. However, what we've experienced was above our expectations to say least so far, but with many valuable lessons if you pay attention. 

We've seen an uprising of peace, beauty, and positive change mixed with sudden bursts of fury. This sunrise is a reminder to shift your focus and count your blessings.  Spring is around the corner literally and metaphorically. How we nourish those seeds we planted will determine the outcome.  

So just for today, focus on all the positives in your life,  and watch your life transform.  You have a blank page and new chapter. What will you write?  The Universe has spoken like the Great Oz himself.  Now the choice is yours on what to do.  Have a blessed day.  

Laura  Healing With Spirit, 
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit

SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Stress Reduction, Spiritual Guidance

Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services


(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Monday, February 23, 2015

I Appreciate You

(c) 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit

It has been a rough few weeks for so many people especially for those bombarded with the recent snow storms, roof collapses, etc in New England. This is a picture I took a couple days ago after the 5th major snow storm in New England in the last month. I was in awe of the beauty of the sun setting against the cool snow. For myself, I am trying to appreciate the small things and count my blessings through all this chaos.

So today I wanted to let you know I appreciate you and I am grateful for you. You are special!

 Have a blessed day.

- Laura Healing With Spirit,
Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Teacher.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Death Is Merely A Transformation ...

PHOTO: (c)2014 Laura Healing With Spirit; Tyngsboro, MA
#MessageFromSpirit: "Death is merely a transformation, and shedding of the old and reborn a new. There have been many changes happening around you ... externally, internally, and spiritually over the last several weeks and months. For some, this was like ship sailing in smooth waters. For others, it may have felt like the hurricane of a lifetime. You have been experiencing what a caterpillar experiences inside a cocoon. We have shredded a lot of the old and our fears so the new may emerge. We have merely experienced the natural process of the dying with many changes of a very deep inner transformation. Be open and be ready for the butterfly to emerge from the cocoon. We are here to guide you. We are here to help you. We hear your struggles. We cannot assist you unless you fully and completely surrender to receive the help and guidance to assist you in your divine purpose."

These messages from spirit and photographs are designed for the purpose of sharing the messages of hope and healing. Please share this message with those who need it. Have a blessed day. 


 - Laura Healing With Spirit, Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, & Teacher

To schedule a private reading in person or via phone, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit

SERVICES: Psychic Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Medicine, Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Holistic Health, Meditation, Stress Reduction, Spiritual and Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition


(C)2014 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights reserved. Photo taken in Tyngsboro, Ma on October 29 , 2014.

2015; The Year For Manifesting and Empowerment

(c) 2012-2014 Healing With Spirit - Photo: Taken at Parson's Beach, Maine
"2015 - The year for mastering inner strength, leaving fear behind you, and manifesting miracles for success." - Laura Healing With Spirit, Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Teacher

Welcome 2015. It's a new day. It's a new year. Let bygones be bygones. The sun is shining. We all woke up alive and breathing.

2014 was quite the year for change to say the least. We experienced huge emotional storms. H...owever, these storms set the stage of a solid foundation for great things to manifest and come.

Faith was certainly pushed to it's limits this past year. However, at the end of the day, all we have is faith. With faith, all things are possible.

The personal storms are clearing. It is time to leave the past behind you and close that chapter to begin the next. The sun is returning. This is a perfect time to plant those heirloom seeds you have been wanting to plant. It is time to begin anew.

Have a little bit more faith and move forward without fear. Let's go to work and make this year great. Happy New Year.

~ Laura Healing With Spirit, Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, & Teacher

To schedule a private reading in person or via phone, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit

SERVICES: Psychic Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Medicine, Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Holistic Health, Meditation, Stress Reduction, Spiritual and Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition


(C)2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights reserved. Photo taken at Parson's Beach, Maine on September 2012.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Ripple Effect and Spirituality

By: Laura from Healing With Spirit 9/29/12  (From a lecture given at the First Spiritualist Church of RI)

How many of you liked to skip stones when you are a kid? How many of you still like to skip stones? How many still actually do it?

We are all here for a reason today in this wonderful church. But have you actually stopped to think what brought you here? Have you actually stopped to think about what is spirituality and what it means to you? 

Spirituality is a belief that focuses on one’s understanding of natural law enabling the person to discover his/her inner path of being and it is an integral aspect of many religious experiences such as Spiritualism.

Wikipedia definition:  "Spirituality in this context may be a matter of nurturing thoughts, emotions, words, and actions that are in harmony with the belief that everything in the universe is mutually dependent; this stance has much in common with some versions of Buddhist spirituality. A modern definition is as follows: Spirituality exists wherever we struggle with the issues of how our lives fit into the greater scheme of things. This is true when our questions never give way to specific answers or give rise to specific practices such as prayer and meditation. We encounter spiritual issues every time we wonder where the universe comes from, why we are here, or what happens when we die. We also become spiritual when we become moved by values such as beauty, love, or creativity that seem to reveal a meaning or power beyond our visible world. An idea or practice is ‘spiritual’ when it reveals our personal desire to establish a felt-relationship with the deepest meanings of powers governing life.”

In Spiritualism, there is a fundamental belief in the continuation of life after the change called death as well as the personal responsibility for life’s circumstances.

With that said, in order to understand spirituality or spiritualism, you must first understand the human being and the ripple effects we create.

As human beings, we are energy in a physical body that creates energetic vibrations. 

What allows your heart to pump blood throughout your body? Do you honestly know? Think about it before you read on…. What actually triggers your heart to contract that enables it to pump blood throughout the human body to nourish every tissue and cell? Have you figured it out yet? If not, that is ok. I will explain. Whether you call it God’s gift … the Universe’s Gift …Nature’s mastery…. you have two mini self generating electrical power plants in your heart called the SA node and AV node, otherwise known as the sinoatrial node and the atrial node. They self generate electrical impulses that stimulate the heart the contract and pump the blood throughout the human body. Now think about that. How amazing is that? You have a perfect natural machine like the engine in your car filtering and pumping the nutrient your body needs to stay alive. Have you ever wondered why we need two electrical paddles to stimulate the heart while jump starting the heart?

Everything we do, feel, see, hear, touch, happens due to an electrical impulse that triggered and sent to the brain for the interpretation of sight, sound, touch, etc.

When we understand the fundamental basis of our beings as energy and a one electrical conduction system, we can attune ourselves to be in vibrational alignment with the universe.
Remember I started off asking you about whether or not you like to skip stones? I am going to now explain why I asked that question. 

Think dropping a pebble into the serene glasslike pond. What happens to the pebble? … It creates ripples.

Now what if your friend next to you drops a pebble into that same pond? It also creates a ripple.

What happens to your ripple? To their ripple? They eventually collide.

And depending on whose pebble that was dropped into the pond was larger will determine the magnitude and impact of the collision and whose ripple creates a greater effect. The vibrational alignment, just like sound can alter the tranquility of the water.

If our mind and body are as clear and smooth like glass on a lake, be careful what you toss in. Just like a pebble being tossed, you have the ability to create a small symmetrically balanced ripple effect with little disturbance to the overall lake. As it travels it magnifies in size the farther away it is from the original source but does so in a smooth fashion.

Now if you toss a boulder, the ripple can create what? An unbalanced volatile rocky big ripples in the lake that can take a much longer time for the lake to recover and restore itself to that quiet serene glass like appearance. So now these volatile ripples also magnify as it travels outward as well.

I challenge you to an experiment. Print this article out and keep with you when you do the experiment. Go out and toss the pebble into a lake. Watch what happens. Then toss a boulder into the lake and watch what happens. Then toss two pebbles similar in size and watch what happens. I encourage you to take notes on this experiment as to what you observe when you do this. I would be honored if you choose to write in the comments below your results and what you witnessed and what was revealed to you that you learned about yourself.

Just like the pebble or boulder, what you sent outward, goes out like ripples in the water and magnifies as it travels. 

Your attitude – Creates ripples

Your body language – Creates ripples

Your actions and reactions – creates ripples

Your words – creates ripples

Your thoughts – Creates ripples

Your feelings – creates ripples

So be careful what ripples you allow in and be careful what ripples you put out or send out.

Are your ripples positive or negative?

Negative ripples can give you a feeling like your finger is stuck in an electrical outlet … a sense of being fried and exhausted that you feel you really cannot explain or do not know how to explain.

Positive ripples have more of a feeling of being in vibrational alignment with yourself and the universe … Like a free flowing balanced energy source.

If you are not in vibrational alignment, begin by building a sense of awareness. What do I mean by that?

To build a sense of awareness, you need to become intimately aware of your inner self and your surroundings using all of your senses.

Understand you cannot change what you can not acknowledge so you must begin here.

When you begin to master the sense of awareness, you choose the vibrations you are sending out. By keeping your vibrations high, you begin to start to enjoy life and begin to understand that it is possible to achieve your goals that you have been struggling so hard to accomplish. You start to create a surge of positive energy affecting everything around you.

For everything to change in your life, it starts with the self. Just as in spiritualism, you must take responsibility for your own life. It is a matter of yin and yang and the natural laws.

If your vibrations are low or you are exhibiting negative ripples, an avalanche affect can occur causing you to tumble into lower forms of consciousness and inferior ways of thinking. In many cases, you may be subconsciously self-sabotaging everything good you strive in your life without even realizing you are doing it. Just stop and think about that for a moment and digest what that really means.

So if your life is filled with fear, anger, and negativity and you perpetually live in that environment, this will eventually lead to dis-ease of all areas in your mind, body, and spirit. Your life will continue to spiral down unless you make a conscious decision right here … right now to change. The past is the past and can breed depression. The future has not happened yet and can breed anxiety and stress. All you have is the now so just be happy.

If your life is surrounded by lower vibrations, meaning your environment, you are allowing yourself to have these negative lower vibrational ripples impact and collide with your energetic core and your life. As a result, you will eventually cease to see yourself in a self loving, self nurturing, and balanced way. Someone once told me that if you are told you “no good” for so long and it is drilled into you, you start to believe it. In abuse, they call that “gaslighting”.

By mastering the art of awareness, you can self-correct your patterns of thinking and behaviors. Hence changing the kind of ripple effect you are sending out and receiving.

As we think of ourselves and others, we send out vibrational ripples in frequencies. We must nurture our inner child with self love, appreciation and gratitude. By doing so, the ripples we create, send out are of… love, appreciation and gratitude.

Spirit is always around us, and with spirit’s guidance, you have the ability to create endless ripples with a positive impact in your life and the lives of others. The choice is yours to make.

So I will leave you with a few thoughts and questions to ponder. 

What does spiritualism mean to you and how does spirituality fit in your life?

What ripples are you creating right now … during this very moment?

What thought just passed through your head? Were your thoughts loving, compassionate, nurturing, healing and positive vibrationally aligned? … Or not?

Begin with building a sense of awareness. Choose a path for a self discovery of your inner being and a journey to enlightenment. Connect with spirit for guidance and help along the journey. Keep your life filled with love and compassion. And remember the pebble in the pond and the impacts it creates.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ― Mother Teresa

How are you going to change the kind of ripples you are allowing to impact you as well as change the kind of ripples you send out?

© 2012 ALL Rights Reserved. Healing With Spirit. May NOT be used for promotional purposes without the explicit written permission of the author.