Showing posts with label trauma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trauma. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Year of Magic, Miracles, Paradoxes, Social Justice, and Opportunities. PLUS, 5 Tips To Guide You in 2018

Laura's adventure with a snowy owl: purity, divine wisdom, shadows and magic.
(c) 2017 All Rights Reserved.  
Happy New Year ...

It is a new year and a time for new beginnings to manifest. If you have not already done so, NOW is the time to set your intentions for what you want to accomplish and bring into 2018, and trust in the Universe to bring you the best possible outcome.

That could not ring truer being a master number year.

It is a NEW Year with lots of great things happening to kick off the 2018 year strong. Whether or not that rings true to you at this moment depends on how your perceive things right now. Keep reading and I will explain.

Here is some insights to help you navigate you through the year:
  • What 2017 revealed to us 
  • The #metoo Movement 
  • Moving Forward 
  • Healing The Past 
  • Insight Into 2018 
  • Social Awareness 
  • The Master “11” Year 
  • Closing and 5 Tips To Guide You In 2018 
  • Helpful links

Visit for upcoming classes
What 2017 Revealed to Us

2017 proved to be quite a challenging year for so many to put it mildly. I am not immune. All year we have been met with some very exciting times for soul and human growth, combined with what may appear as extreme smack downs.

Every time I was met with adversity, I was equally welcomed with a blessing. I also learned we see what we choose to see and focus on. Hence, perspective and perception.

The year 2017 was quite the year for change to say the least. We experienced huge enormous personal storms. However, It set the stage of a solid foundation for great things to manifest and come. Hence, welcome 2018.

Faith was certainly pushed to it's limits this year. Those close to me know how far my faith was tested. However, at the end of the day all we have is faith. With faith, all things are possible.

The theme of #trustintheprocess never rang truer than it did this year. Did you feel it?

There were things I witnessed that I never thought I would see in my lifetime. WOW. Thank you to the community for finally rising and standing up. Those who normalize abuse are feeling the karmic backlash... finally I can breathe. Because of You, today I am able to bless my junk. #metoo.

In case you missed my video series on Today I Bless My Junk #metoo, you may visit the following Youtube Links:
What I also experienced in 2017 was the level of communication between humans and nature and an acceleration of the return of the ancient wisdoms. Yes, you might think I live in an alternate Universe, but what if I said those who do not see, do?

Trees and water have been speaking louder than ever before. I wrote about one of my journeys last year. Check out  "A Mindfulness Journey Into The I AM  ... The Tree" and see if this resonates with you.

Flowers in my garden in 2017
(c) 2017 All Rights Reserved. 
Moving Forward

I am personally looking forward to reaping the rewards of a 20yr journey of trials and tribulations for the first time this year.

I feel miracles about to happen on so many fronts and dimensions. This #metoo movement has restored much in me that I thought was lost forever. Many of you have been hearing me talk about for months regarding the paradoxes, the silver linings, and shifts of focus.

Many of us have worked hard and diligent in cleaning up our vibration, facing our shadow selves, and choosing to live more authentically.

I see the personal storms clearing and the sun returning. This is the perfect time to plant those heirloom seeds you been wanting to plant.

I am grateful for my loving and supportive friends and family who have lift me up when I was weak and believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. You are truly earth angels.

Let's close the 2017 chapter with authenticity, truth, and love, and turn the page to a new 2018 chapter with a blank slate and begin to write. The Universe is guiding us. We have a choice. Are you going to write a new chapter or are you going to keep re-looking and staying stuck in the last book you have read how many times?

Together ... Let's make 2018 an incredible year of miracles and dreams that come true.

Healing The Past

If you have not worked on your shadows aka your junk over the past couple years, this year could prove to be challenging.

Healing the past is crucial to moving forward. I have seen a surge of “old traumas” over the past year surface – whether our own, generational or karmic.

Many of us are STILL avoiding, and many of us have faced mega health crisis this past year and we may even baffle the medical community.

It may not be medical, although a medical crisis may result. It may actually be spiritual. You may want to read “When Medical Science Can Not Explain Your Symptoms. How To Know If It Is Spiritual?” to see if this resonates with you.

We are at a crossroads now. We have become a culture who has normalized abuse and violence in many ways. So when it comes to things we did to others or things that may have happened to us in the past, we think time will heal all wounds, and brush it under the carpet.

Some of us may have seen ourselves do this. We may have even “gaslighted” ourselves in the process.

In order to move forward, you must heal and accept your authentic true self. No one ever said healing was a pleasant journey, but it is a worthwhile one that can lead to all of what your soul desires. This is something I can personally attest to. I've sailed those treacherous waters, and I am now here to be your beacon and guide you back to yourself.

As a matter of fact, healing can down right be painful and exhausting giving glimpses of questioning life and our faith. However, somehow, we manage to push through the barriers and search for that rainbow at the end of the storm that just wreaked havoc in our lives.
It is through our greatest adversities where we find the greatest gifts.

Just like the life of the caterpillar that transforms into the beautiful butterfly, the journey in the cocoon is quite ugly. Yet, the caterpillar still chooses to cocoon and continue onto the journey.

In order to become the butterfly, we must shed all that is associated with the caterpillar. This is where we struggle. Many of us want to become the butterfly, but we want to hold onto the identity associated with the caterpillar.

This is where your soul is asking you to “trust in the process” to “trust that your soul has your back”

Are you finally ready to become who you were meant to be?

Part of the healing process includes a letting go process. Many people, including myself at one point, get frustrated over HOW to do this. Ohhhh do I recall how frustrated I use to get. Some of you who know me long enough may recall those days.

So how do you let go?

You must first feel. Uggggggg right? Many of us run from certain feelings and emotions our whole lives especially if there is trauma in place. Running away is not going to empower what you seek. Facing yourself does. Allowing yourself to feel and let the wisdom of the body speak will free you.

Once you can truly feel, then you can understand. Once you can understand, then you can let go. Now, you may not get the answers you seek. Understanding does not mean answers. It may simply means, that you understand yourself, your feelings, and the process.

Needing some guidance? I am here to help.

Insight into 2018

So what do I see in store for 2018? I feel this year is representative of the following traits:
  • The 11 master number year in numerology 
  • Social awareness and social justice 
  • A year of paradoxes and growing pains 
  • A year of miracles and magic 
  • Importance of managing stress and burnout
I always find it fascinating when I see various pieces of a larger puzzle come together. In this case, the puzzle of the Universe.

I love the listening and following the ancient wisdoms. The guidance over the past year has been profoundly life changing for me personally in helping me to trust myself again after that trust was stripped by my abusers.

Interestingly enough, 2018 is the Year of the Earth Dog according to the Chinese calendar. Here, I associate the dog as a loyal devoted companion that epitomizes the words unconditional love.

However, I see this year of the dog is about balance, fairness, and social justice. For those of you who know my Ava, she has been by support, my healer, and my partner to help others in their journey. It is a good year for dog energy.

The 11 Master Number Year

This year represents a master number in numerology. There are only 3 master numbers, and the “11” is one of the three.

So what does this mean for you?

This means that 2018 is one powerful year. How it plays out is solely up to you and whether or not you choice to be a piece o the larger puzzle.

If you follow me on social media, you have heard me voice this theme of paradoxes and miracles aka the ying and yang aka the positive and negative.

This is a number that can make magic and manifest miracles. Some of us already got a glimpse last year with how quickly things materialized and manifested when our energies were aligned with the Universes.

So if you are someone who has a lot of stress, anxiety or depression or you may even find yourself filled with anger or worry, you will get exactly more of that unless you choose to shift your energies.

It is crucial to keep your thoughts positive. And when you find yourself off the path or resorting to old outdated paradigms, don’t go beating yourself up. Choose a better way to reflect.

You are in the driver’s seat driving super fast a warped speed. Practicing and mastering the art of presence can help you as well.


If you are a reiki practitioner, increasing your meditation and practice with the gokai may be in order.

Kyo Dake Wa (Just For Today)
Ikaruna (Do Not Anger)
Shin Pai Suna (Do Not Worry)
Kan Sha Shite (Be Grateful)
Go-o-Hageme (Do Your Duties Fully)
Hito Ni Shinsetsu Ni  (Be Kind To Others)

At the end of the day, this year is a BIG year.

Not sure what all this means for you? Seeking some spiritual guidance? I am here to help.

A Year of Social Awareness and Social Justice

Like I said earlier, witnessing the #metoo movement was something I never thought I would see in my lifetime.

I always approached this #metoo movement with caution, because I saw that until we hold abusive judges accountable and remove them from the bench aka remove their ability to enable abusers to continue their patterns of abuse.

Then to have a pedophile judge who has been known to abuse his judicial power against victims of abuse, loses a historic race. Can I just say WOW? #nomoore

Some of you know my story, and many of you don’t. I shared a part of my journey in the “Today I Bless My Junk” video series if you would like to hear about my story and my healing journey. (links above)

The momentum has not stopped there, millions of dollars have poured into a legal fund for those victimized by workplace sexual harassment. WOW.

I suspect there will be more allegations of abuse coming to light.

The karmic justice thread is real and it is here.

This year is a GREAT year to jump on the social awareness and social justice band wagon. The energies are perfectly aligned to support you through this process.

If you have been traumatized, but still fear what retaliations or judgments may ensue by coming forward, please note that the time is NOW. You are divinely supported. Please make sure you align yourself with the right people to guide you through the process.

With that said, in December, we launched a fundraising drive to help form a scholarship program through Massachusetts Survivors Outreach to help survivors of abuse pay for healing programs and classes with us.

The one thing I am well aware of ... speaking as a survivor of abuse and now as a speaker and healer for survivors of abuse ... abusers target their victims financially once they leave. They know rendering them financially destitute prevents the victim from healing or being empowered to reclaim their life again.

What better gift than to give the gift of healing. Help support our program.

As we continue to ascend and evolve, more and more people are taking off their masks and lifting the veils. They are not only becoming more aware of the imbalances of power, they are no longer willing to be a bystander. They are seeking to be a catalyst to shift this balance of power.

There is a huge shift from the few to many. It is such a great time around social justice themes. Don’t sit by the sidelines. Rise up. Act.

Struggling with healing old traumas or are old traumas manifesting into physical illnesses and need help? I am here to help

Want to help us build a team focused on breaking the cycles of abuse through healing? Let’s collaborate.
This was an oprey I encountered while going to view the solar eclipse in 2017.  
This was the message I received at the time. (c) 2017 All Rights Reserved.

A Year of Paradoxes and Growing Pains

My internal guidance system has been saying for years with increasing validations over the past several months that we are under a great change aka shift in consciousness.

What I have been feeling is that we are headed towards a great paradox.

I know some of you may be saying “really”, “not again”. Let me explain.

Our “ego” has been ruling humanity for quite some time now. I will hypothesize this has been going on with increasing rates for over 500 – 1000 years or maybe longer just to give you a scope of what I mean by a long time.

Over the past few years, we have been given tasks to do for the evolution of our souls each guiding us to the next place in time and preparing us for the NOW.

Some are calling this the great shift in consciousness. The old paradigms are no longer working for us. Many of us have become “tapped in” or sensitivities rising where it was not before. Don’t be afraid. This is all part of the awakening process. This is all part of the shift in consciousness.

Many of us are experiencing ascension symptoms and growing pains.

So why do I say this is a year of paradoxes? This is because there are still people who are resisting this change.

Many may feel this shift in consciousness is not tangible like a car or bank account and lack control, they fear to surrender to this calling. Some may like their “status quo” or their version of reality and fear change or disruption. They prefer to stay in the illusion.

Therefore, those who are resisting might be challenged this year as they attempt to find the great wave of change.

And with this being an 11 year, what we think, do, react, will be amplified.

Do you struggle with the negative loop that runs in your mind and unsure how to break it? I am here to help.

A Year of Miracles and Magic

The rise of the divine feminine has never been stronger. This has nothing to do with the male sex or female sex and everything to do the energies we all carry via yin energy.

Mother Earth has been vocal through the catastrophic storms letting us know of her displeasure in how we take care of her.

The #metoo movement amplifies these energies.

The divine feminine is what births miracles and knows how to instinctively nurture to all that is birthed.

Remember, this year will manifest based on choices we make. So choose wisely.

Nurture the womb within.

Day dream again. Have conversations with the inner child. Let go of your fears. Trust in the process.

Focus on that burning desire buried deep within that maybe you have forgotten about.

When you are in vibrational alignment with the Universe and your soul, things shift rapidly.

This year is poised to manifest those miracles, and breakthroughs you have been working so hard at. I know I have been waiting 20 years for this year to arrive. I am counting my blessings and waking up every day with a grateful heart.

Focus your attention on the magic and miracles and let go of your fears and insecurities and watch the magic unfold before you.

This year is primed for success and prosperity. Use these energies wisely.

May and November seem to be key months to watch.

Feeling the need for some guidance to help you? I am here to help you.

Photo taken while taking a Jikiden Reiki teacher continued education in 2017
(c) 2017 All Rights Reserved
Importance of Watching Your Health, Managing Stress and Burnout

It is important to build a dialogue with yourself, and listen to the wisdoms of the body.

There is so much change occurring at super-fast speeds, that we might find ourselves faced with health issues, challenges in managing stress, and burnout.

Can I say ... BALANCE. A word that has been circulating these past couple years.

This challenge with health is a theme that already started last year, and saw escalate after the solar eclipse in August 2017.

Some of this might be a healing crisis aka spiritual crisis. Others may be lack of self-care or resistance to these changes. Whatever the root cause, be aware of what your body tells you. This is not the time to muscle through it, but to lovingly pause, listen and act.

The theme of more self care practices is crucial to staying well. 

This includes the food you eat. Is it fuel or poison? This includes our self care hygiene. Do we practice self care? Do we get that massage or reiki or acupuncture session? Do we take that yoga, Thai chi, fitness class we keep saying we want to? Do we get enough rest and downtime?

Have we stopped trying to appease everyone else first? Have we stopped pretending to be someone we are not? Have we taken back our power?

I am here to help you.

Closing and 5 Tips To Guide You This Year

Here are 5 tips to guide you this year:

  1. Practice the art of presence. Some refer to this practice also as mindfulness. Be aware of your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Adjust as necessary to bring you back to the present moment.
  2. Listen to the wisdom of the body. When we build a relationship with our bodies and listen to its wisdom, we are given insight and healing to things before that may have left us feeling stuck like a hamster on a wheel.
  3. Keep your thoughts positive. By being more mindful of our thoughts and how it affects our wellbeing and life, we can become more aware of how to shift. When we listen to the wisdom of the body, we become more aware of how our thoughts physically, emotionally and spiritually affect us. 
  4. Self Care. This has been a theme than began in 2015, but really increased its momentum in 2017. Self care needs to no longer be at the bottom of the list, but rather at the top of the list. You and your loved ones will thank you in the end. Not to mention, you set a prime example of caring for yourself in a loving and compassionate way to your children. What a gift!
  5. Rise Up. Act. This is time to get involved in a social justice project. The energies have not been more supported in this area since I began my personal journey in 2005. I am excited to us all become more empowered and living more authentically in our truth. 
Here are a couple great links I found recently that resonate similar messages to what many of you have been hearing me say over the past several months. Enjoy.
2018 Tip:
  • The gut check. Never doubt the gut. Science tells how the body naturally creates a physiological response that tends to affect the gut. So if it doesn't feel right in the gut, don't do it. Your gut will never lie you or let ego get in the way. So the goal for 2018, is to trust and master the gut checks.
Remember, 2018 is a BIG year, and it is a year of opportunity if your utilize your energies effectively.

As always, let me know if what I wrote resonates with you as I write from my own personal observations, experiences, and messages I receive from the divine. I do my best to keep things real to best guide you on your path. 

Together ... Let's make 2018 an incredible year of miracles and dreams that come true.

Happy New Year.

Be safe.

Thank you for being a part of my journey

With love and appreciation,


Monday, August 29, 2016

Healing Trauma By Stepping Into Your Power Through The Universal Energies of Change And Forgiveness

What I will be writing about, I am unsure if this is directed to my personal path and journey or if you will find that it will resonate with you.  I would love to hear from you and your feedback as it helps me help you.  I would appreciate that deeply.

So, when you think these spiritual storms we have been riding over the past few months and years have slowed down and we can breathe, we are faced with more storms as we continue to upgrade and change in order to be more in vibrational alignment with source energy and our soul purpose.

Just as you think you can catch your breath, we begin September with more changes ahead with the start of the eclipse season and our third mercury retrograde this year.  

As I am writing this, I am wondering how many of us have surrendered to the Universal energies, let go of the past ... karmic in past lives, hurts in this life, and generational karma. We are healing it all if we learn to step aside and allow our soul to guide us and light the way.

This journey has not been easy especially those also healing some form of trauma. With all that I do and practice, I can attest to this struggle as our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies let go and realign.  No one ever said healing was ever easy, but it is worth it. I began to write about my journey healing trauma associated with abuse. One thing I have learned with trauma and PTSD, it loves to reign you in and prevent the healing to commence and will attempt to trick your brain into old outdated patterns or more of the very same you are trying to leave behind you. These patterns of constant fight or flight are there for our safety and protection, but when in overload, it is like keeping your finger in an electrical socket and you can not see, feel, hear, anything else around you never mind inside the self.

Laura administering self healing in
a meditative state in nature in Maine
One of the things I have had to address and face is healing karmic cords with my abuser in this life and in previous lives. This is NOT easy by any stretch. However, each day I am stronger, and remind myself that I AM ... FREE ... from those karmic bonds that tied me for 20+ years of my life in this life as well as in previous lives. The trauma and PTSD side would like to keep replaying the same story thinking it is protecting me not recognizing my finger has already been removed from that electrical socket.  It takes faith in the unknown and higher power and courage to remove your finger and begin healing.

So for many, the Universe and our souls pushed our buttons hard this year to get us out of our comfort zones, challenged relationships, and forced us to face the things needing change so we may continue to evolve from the caterpillar to the emerging butterfly. For those who have experienced PTSD or some form of trauma, these have been magnified. My question for you to ask yourself is:  "Were you open to change or resistant?" 

When we can have the courage of trying to not control every aspect in our life and face our shadow self, we become awakened.  We begin to embrace and nurture the inner child within allowing us to surrender the ego and the control that the trauma has in our life. 

Laura administering Reiki to a silver
back gorilla at the San Diego Zoo 2016
In order to get there, we must look at the two greatest emotions that drive us.  The themes of love and fear continue to the surface for review. I know for me this was a big one, because, my abuser kept me captive paralyzed in fear and stripping me my sense of self and gaslighted me to believe I was better off dead.

So relearning to trust in myself and know that I was worthy of love took many years of healing and lots of work. Slowly I regained my sense of self through self love and self compassion. What helped me initiate the process was my Spiritualist faith, reiki, and meditation practice.

If we are in a state of fear, how can we love? AND vice versa, if we are in a state of love, how can we fear? Learning the art of detachment from people, places, things and especially outcomes have also surfaced to allow for more soul growth. Whenever I see myself reliving fear or something I thought I healed or resolved or let go of from my past, I do the following:
  1. I acknowledge its presence
  2. I thank the Universe for bringing it to my attention so I may learn how to release this
  3. I create intentions and call upon my spiritual team to assist me. Depending on the issue, this may be my ascended reiki masters to Archangel Michael to Saint Germaine. You can create your team to assist you and call upon them. They will not intervene unless you ask for their assistance.
  4. I allow myself to receive love from the divine presence.
  5. I practice one or a combination of the modalities I have been studying over the years. This may be a violent flame meditation, to tibetan singing bowls, to reiki, to a meditative walk in nature or the like.  
  6. I practice self love, self worth, self compassion, and self forgiveness.
  7. I adopt the pace of nature understanding that my healing happens not when I try to control its outcome, but when I have done the work and my frequency and vibration are in alignment with my intentions.
  8. Because of the trauma I endured, I did not trust people, organizations, or those in power who were supposed to uphold the law and protect me from abuse. So I built a relationship with the divine and nature. For those who follow me on Instagram or Facebook, see my posts of all the divine messages and confirmations from nature I receive almost daily and sometimes numerous times a day. It always brings a smile on my face. 
  9. When appropriate, I seek help from other holistic practitioners. 

As transition, I have been hearing messages addressing the theme of "forgiveness" as additional themes over the past week or so. So along with fear and love, forgiveness also seems to be playing a role especially for those trying to reclaim their power.

Last week, I posted a general message card to my Instagram and Facebook page where I talked about forgiveness. I saw this message as confirmation to what I am writing about here and I smiled. When I pulled the card, my shoulders suddenly relaxed, and I felt a huge a sigh.

Forgiveness is significant. All the work we have done so far is to prepare us for the hardest task ... forgiveness.

If you are holding onto the pain or trauma or hurt someone may have caused you, the misconception is that forgiveness lets that person off the hook while you suffer. It does not. What happened to you is now in the past. What we do to ourselves as a result of trauma, is we keep the traumatic event or series of traumatic events alive and well in the present ... the now. I have been trying to understand why we do this to ourselves and why do we imprison ourselves with very few answers. I believe a shift in perception allows us to see that when all we are doing is creating a pattern of self-destruction and self-imprisonment, then we can then implement change.

What forgiveness does is free ourselves from the chains that bind us. This in turn allows our hearts to receive self-love. We can not truly love another until we have fully learned this. I see this to be so true more than ever before now.

I am envisioning many of you who have experienced what many would call such egregious atrocious and unforgivable acts saying things like, "Why on earth would I forgive?". We must let go of the need to control and need to be right and stay in the familiar. Being right usually does not change the outcome except create a prison stealing our lives. All this does is tie us to the story of the past, poisoning our present, and stealing our future.

Learning to forgive frees us. Wow, right now as I re-read that statement, I am envisioning the mighty power of hawk with a strap to it's talon caught up in a tree stealing its flight, it's ability to thrive and survive and ability to soar to great heights.  Then, finally the hawk is snapping the strap breaking free from the tangled mess in the tree and lifting it up letting go of those burdens where it can now soar the skies once again and not only survive, but thrive.  

Learning to forgive is one of our greatest spiritual lessons to truly understand. We have had lots of lessons, and transformations this year. The hardest person to forgive, but the most important is "self". The Universe is calling on us once again. We have been given signs whether you are attuned and seeing them or not is irrelevant. There are those who have been called to help those who can not see.

It's time to forgive and write a new chapter.

Free yourself from the past, past hurts, past mistakes, past traumas or the like.

So for the coming month, the eclipse season and mercury retrograde will be what we choose to perceive it to be. This is a very transformative time, and we can use these energies to help us in our path if we learn to work with them versus fight them. For once, try to master riding these waves of change and see the world from a whole new perspective. We can not control the size, shape, and velocity of the waves that come ashore. So why do we try to control the waves of life? It is time we learned to ride the waves and have fun learning to surf. Wow, I what a shift right there. Wouldn't you agree? Did you feel that?  I wrote about this last month in my post "Understanding the Cosmic Shifts".

And since I have been writing about trauma, this is a grand time, to let the Universe help you right here, right now, in removing any and all obstacles from our mind and body so we may live a healthier and happier life. By the way, health is another theme arising too. So take time to listen to what the body tells you as it speaks to you 24/7. It is up to us whether or not we are listening.

The future is a blank slate. This is an opportunity to truly break free from those chains that bind you.
Are you willing? Are you ready?

The future is yours.

Please check out my January post 6 Tips Towards Soul-Fillment in 2016 and my April post on What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You to help guide you in your path.

In the meantime, have a beautiful day. I am here to help you in your journey. Enjoy.

With Love and appreciation,
Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Shihankaku in Jikiden Reiki

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please visit 

SERVICES: Holistic Healing, Jikiden Reiki, Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Yuen Energetics, Spiritual Guidance, Soul Mentoring

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(c) 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent