Showing posts with label mercury retrograde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mercury retrograde. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Changes, Growth, Healing, Authenticity and the Holidays Ahead as We Close Out 2017

Wow, what a ride this past November. Have you shifted out of your comfort zone yet? Have you made peace with the shadow part of self?

We are still experiencing a tremendous shift in consciousness and what a "shift" storm it has been. There are lots of changes and revelations as we prepare to close out 2017.

Truths continue to be revealed.

Shadows continue to be brought into the light.

My question to you, Do you bless your junk?

As a trauma survivor, it was refreshing to see all that came to light this past month. I felt in some cases my voice was being heard through so many other survivors of abuse. Yup #metoo.

BUT ... for me, I choose to focus on the healing and the gifts born out of a horrible experience. Please check out my video on "Today I Bless My Junk #MeToo".

My hope is to shed light and understanding in order to create a positive shift in perception, healing, reality, dimensions, and higher consciousness.

So much may have been perceived to go wrong lately, but with that said, so much has been gifted to us in the form of awakening, growth, and lessons.

Growth is many times is not always easy and sometimes results in metaphorical death. However, if we shift our perspective just a little and see the world through a different lens, we just might surprise ourselves.

The holidays are here!

The holiday season is a time of giving and thanks for what we’ve been given, and the gift of healing and self care is a great way to show your loved ones you care.

Who doesn’t love the look on someone’s face when they open something special from you?

Try this ... lets all do a random act of kindness this holiday season and shift the global consciousness one frequency and vibration at a time.

Are you in?


Be sure to read "Conquer Toxic Holiday Stress"  for tips to guide you through the holidays.

Also, be sure you take care of YOU. That means take a pause when needed or a nap if you feel inclined. The self care mantra has pounded us til we are raw, yet so many of us are still resisting? Why? Are you self punishing? Cut the crap, and start cherishing YOU and taking care of YOU.

Come in for some reiki or vibrational healing with the Tibetan bowls and clear out some toxicity and restore wholenness. OR come in for some spiritual guidance and coaching.

I am not your go to? That is fine too. Just find someone who can assist you on your path. Remember, what you may have considered the norm in the past is no longer the norm.

It is time to shift your vibration and live more authentic and true.

My goal is to help illuminate your soul, guide you on your path, remove toxicity and restore wholeness. I offer a variety of spiritually based holistic health enrichment:
  • Trauma 
  • Dementia 
  • End of Life 
  • Pre-op/Post-Op 
  • Anxiety/PTSD 
  • Stress 
  • Spiritual Healing 
  • Cancer 
  • Pets 
  • Pain 
  • Physical Injuries 
  • Digestive Issues
  • and more ...

Looking for a unique gift for a loved one?

We offer gift certificates at any dollar amount. Contact us to purchase your gift certificate today. Gift Certificates can also be mailed directly to your loved one. Inquire for details today!
In the meantime, don't forget to pause, breathe and take a moment for yourself.
With love and appreciation,


Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Speaker, and Healer
Providing Spiritually based holistic health enrichment

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Learning the Art of Detachment

The feather with a message on detachment
Since 2016 began, we have been pushed to extremes, prodded, and forced to examine our inner selves and workings. What I see is that we're being forced to address the idea of attachments and the art of learning to detach. We build attachments as human beings to people, places, and things.

Our human ego builds emotional attachments and feeds on them. The big struggle I am seeing with many of us right now as we adjust to all the downloads and cosmic upgrades, is learning to let go of those attachments and trust in the process. This doesn't mean that you stop caring or stop doing certain things. It simply means removing the emotional attachments.

The art of learning to detach oneself from people, places, and things, has proven to be a undaunting task for sure as we begin to question everything and everyone in our lives. We even begin to question our very existence and path. Are you experiencing this yourself?  I'd like know, and I'm sure others would too. 
We have been shown how strong the will of ego can play on our mind, body, and spirit and wreak havoc in the process hindering progress of our soul growth.  But really,  is it hindering the process or is all of this part of the evolution of our soul?

Once the illusions are peeled away, our truth is revealed.  How scary it is when driving blind in the darkness,  but how liberating it can be when you can see the light again from a different view?

Just like we wake up every morning, we brush our teeth everyday. We eat everyday to fuel our body, mind and spirit. Our body eliminates waste every day removing toxins that no longer serve us. We must also exercise the art of letting go and detaching from those situations, people, places, and things that are holding us back from our spiritual path and soul growth.

We are a part of a larger consciousness.  As a society, many feel we can control anything and everything.  However,  in reality that is ego creating a false sense of reality.  When we choose to decide to let go of control,  partner with source energy, you just might find everything else in your life improves ... home life, relationships,  work, etc.

Why do we expend so much energy into holding onto attachments that no longer serve are highest self? It is a question I have been asking myself repeatedly over the last month.

Is it because we know we have a lot of toxic waste to dump, and just like Mother Earth using floods, hurricanes, and other storms to clean house, sometimes it gets a little too mucky and dirty for us face? This is despite the fact, we know at the end of every storm, you reach the pristine soil ripe for planting those seeds you wish to flourish. You cannot plant heirloom flowers in toxic soil. We must clean it up and start amending it to get what we do want.

As a result,  many of us are experiencing huge purges especially of old emotional traumas and pain. If you are part of society resisting this, I pray for you.  You are the group experiencing the most pain right now. Law of attraction teaches us that resistance is futile and as above, so below. 

I know I personally have had my symptoms heighten or worsen include: sleep disturbances, PTSD triggers, heightened anxiety, voice issues, ringing in the ear, lung and breathing issues, vocal cord issues, fatigue, lack of appetite, and increased thirst.  So you see you are not alone. We are all one. We are each other's brothers and sisters.

As I was doing my meditative walk this morning thinking about this topic of detachment and my journey this year so far. I stumbled upon first a cardinal feather followed by a turkey feather.

If I look at the coincidences of time which today's date February 5, 2016 at approximately 9am, I can study the numerological message of "Stay balanced and positive. That cycle you wish to change will be ending shortly"

Both feathers are also signs from my spirit team, angels, and source energy aka soul that we are on the right track. Again, another confirmation.  It's a message to help us stay focused on the path that we are trying to create and have faith that all good things are coming to us.

What do I do to stay on the path without losing my mind?  I practice the art of appreciation, gratitude, and forgiveness every day. I meditate and practice Reiki every day. I have a set of affirmations posted on sticky notes on my bathroom mirror that I cite every day. I have healthy relationships with my core friends who support me and are there for me without criticism or judgements.  Many of us have toxic family members and friends.  How is that working out for you? I do my best to avoid processed and non GMO foods. I get into nature and ground.

Remember, it's always darkest before dawn. Bad times never last. So focus on memories of previous good times you have had to help you through the bad times.

And as a constant message from my spirit team, angels and soul have been delivering to me consistently for weeks now, "trust that you're so has your back. Let your soul light the way, and you just follow."

It's that simple.

With love and light,
Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services

Copyright 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Your Soul Is Trying To Awaken. Are You Listening To The Signs?

Wow what a September it has been. Talk about a roller coaster ride. Our soul has been tugging on us to wake up. Have you been feeling this?

I have been noticing for some there have been major breakthroughs and a sigh of relief.

For others, the challenges just seem to be piling on.

If you are like me and have been talking to others in the Spiritual community or even in healthcare especially psychotherapy, the synchronicities have been amplified like we have never seen before in this lifetime. There are common themes I have been noticing.
  • We are not alone. We are all one and connected energetically as one. Many of us already knew this, but it seems to be really drilled home.
  • Many people are reporting similar chaotic experiences occurring at the same time.
  • Those who are experiencing challenges especially involving a parent/child relationship, have been greatly tested.
  • Those who are resistant ... deliberately, not deliberately or even subconsciously ... to the current cosmic shifts and calls from the soul are experiencing heightened health issues such as insomnia, anxiety, panic, heart issues, digestive issues, moodiness and more.
For those feeling frustrated, anxious, or having sleep difficulties etc ... There are a couple of things that could be happening. Here are some tips to help you sort out.
  1. Ask yourself what is it that you are still resistant to change? If you are resisting what your soul is beckoning from you why? Let go and trust your soul has got your back.
  2. Your physical body may be purging, recalibrating energetically, downloading, or if you are a sensitive or empath, you just might be plain ol feeling the effects of all the cosmic shifts from mercury retrograde to the full moon lunar eclipse on September 27, 2015 to the solar flares etc
We are being called to align with soul. For those who have been following me, have been hearing me say "Trust, your soul has got your back" for quite some time now. And our soul and Spirit have been bombarding us with signs to help us along the way.

Have been experiencing such phenomena?

Here is my experience just the past few weeks and I am amazed at Spirit every time. We are always receiving messages from heaven. It's just whether or not we choose to see the signs from our soul, our loved ones, guides, and angels.

For me personally, I have been hit with lots of "signs" from Spirit and soul. Every day it seems like something whether through repeating numbers or other signs such as:
  • Walking to the car, home, in nature, or the like and a feather is somehow beneath my feet. This happening once? Ok, but happening sometimes as much as ten times in one day? That is something one can not ignore. I must preface to say that if you are going and deliberately seeking to find signs, you may not get them. In every one of my experiences, the signs have fallen upon me without seeking like a detective. They just happened.
  • Certain wildlife interactions as if they have something to say. These are not the normal run ins, but ones that either suddenly repeat occurrences, are profound in how these interactions occurred, and usually occur in themes such as you are upset at something, or worried about something, having relationship difficulties, unsure of where you are going in life etc.
  • Signs through the elements - Spirit can alter the elements such as water in the clouds or fire to reveal what they want you to know. I have been receiving signs for years, but the last 30 days have been extraordinary.
  • Signs such as hearts or pennies. Again, if like me and they are happening numerous times in one day, then you need to stop and really pay attention and listen.

Signs? Everywhere there are signs?

Here are some signs I have been guided to share with you that I have personally experienced over the last 30 days.

On this day, I was walking to my car and just happened to look up at the clouds to see several signs. These cloud pictures were taken on the same day at the same location.

It was like a spirit mural of messages.
"The Angel"
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

The swooping heart downward was the first that caught my eye yet the last in the messages.

Then when I glance over I saw the Angel with a cardinal beneath her holding a ball of white light. Can you see the image in the picture to the right?

The feelings of peace instantly filled me up as I was having a challenging week. These are the words not spoken but clearly understood, and grateful.

A smile instantly over came me and my worries instantly dissipated that day.

"The Spirit Messenger Bird"
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved
However, it was not until I decided to clean out my photos a few days later that some very striking images appeared that I did not see before.

There are two that I am posting here.
The first photograph is to the left ... The Spirit Messenger Bird. Every time I look at this photo, I just want to go WOW.

I am in complete awe at the size of this image and the clarity of the details. The photo can not give you the sense of scale, size, or emotion as it was quite large in the sky.

I'm almost speechless. When I saw this bird in the clouds, it did bring me a tear of joy.

Things are changing my friends.

Keep the faith.

Stay positive.

Never lose hope.

"The Medieval Horse Rising From The Flames"
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All RIghts Reserved
The second image I took several weeks ago. Do you see the image?   This particular image was not revealed to me until few weeks after it was taken.

I was sitting at around this fire pit while on Cape Cod and felt a spiritual presence around with a very transformative message for someone who was with me that evening. I was also guided to snap a few pics.

The message I channeled that was helpful and healing to that person and something  this person needed to hear to heal karmic ties with multiple past lives.

I am also grateful for when Spirit materializes or gives us signs such as this to confirm those messages and prove the continuity of life.

This message was both for me and the other party. The image was to validate the experience we both shared in healing the past and knowing we are divinely protected at all times.

This month's energies have been quite challenging to say the least, but I am still smiling. I'm still grateful. I'm still filled with peace in my heart. When we come from a place of gratitude instead of fear, the challenges we are faced are met with clearer and swifter solutions.

We are shedding off the old to reveal the new.

We are in this together. Together we can choose to enjoy this ride called life. It is important to try to embrace these energies with welcome arms even in times of adversity. Let go resistance, and trust your soul has got your back.

We are all going through great transformations.

It is time to shed the old to allow the new. We are emerging into the beautiful butterflies from the dark cocoons. Embrace the change

What signs from heaven have you been getting? I'd love to hear.

With love and light,
 Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

To schedule a private reading in person or via phone, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit

SERVICES: Psychic Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Medicine, Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Holistic Health, Meditation, Stress Reduction, Spiritual and Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition


(C)2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights reserved

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mercury Retrograde, Snow Storms, & Cosmic Changes Oh My!

PHOTO: January 2015 Blizzard by Laura Healing With Spirit.
We have a choice to drown in tragedy or revel in the blessings. What do you choose? 

What a ride the past month has been. Mercury retrograde, snow storms, and cosmic changes oh my! With every perceived roadblock we encountered, also rose an opportunity. Everything is what we perceive it to be and many see these as negative. However, there are many of us that either have learned or have become aware and are learning to bend with the Universe and take away the positive aspects mercury retrograde, storms, and cosmic changes have to offer us with a lot of "re" such as reevaluate, redo, relax, replenish, revamp, readjust, release etc that are amplified and accelerating.

PHOTO:  2015 Blizzard.  Such simple beauty in such destruction. The paradoxes are almost rhythmic. Do you agree?

What have you learned about yourself in the past month? Did you experience any paradoxes? For me personally as I rode out these latest storms ... metaphorically and literally, I began noticing patterns and observations such as:
  • We have a choice to drown in tragedy or revel in the blessings. What do you choose? 
  • Such simple beauty in such destruction. The paradoxes are almost rhythmic. Do you agree?
  • I am at awe at the beauty in mother nature's fury. A sign of life where there is death.
  • In the midst of chaos, we can find beauty.

We may not see it, but the opportunities we seek are right in front of us. Everything we need to break free from the bonds of our current situation are within our reach. We have 8 more days of mercury retrograde. Today is a full moon, and New England just got clobbered with record snowfall in the past week. It is a great time to assess whatever roadblocks, challenges, or issues and break free once and for all.  So what will you choose to do with all this changing energy?

The full moon today gives us another opportunity to harness its amazing power and energies if used correctly as it acts like an amplifier to whatever is happening in your life at this given moment.  So the more positive ripples and energies we put out today, the better.

We have a choice to make. The Universe is asking us to first take responsibility for the situation we are in now. Acknowledge your part. These binds are what we create with our thoughts and words. Nothing is fixed in place. However, the negative thoughts we create in our minds create our greatest prisons.

We are being reminded like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we've had the power all along. It may not be easy, but it's true.

So take a step back.


Gain some clarity.

Click our ruby slippers towards the solutions we seek.

Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to review, relax, readjust, redo, and reevaluate. Everything is in divine order. The rest is free will. Time to grab that sword and cut those binds.

So surrender to what is. Let go of what was and have faith in what will be. Have a blessed day.


To schedule a private reading in person or via phone, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit

SERVICES: Psychic Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Medicine, Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Holistic Health, Meditation, Stress Reduction, Spiritual and Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition


(c) 2015 All Rights Reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Learning to Ride the Storm

(c)2014 Laura Healing With Spirit
After every great storm, the Sun returns to shine. After every great storm comes the rainbow. After every big storm and rough surf comes fertile soil. With every big storm comes nature's pruning of unnecessary branches and debris.

 After every big storm comes green grasses. After every big storm comes beautiful big flowers. After every big storm comes the birds, the animals, and the emergence of life awakens.
The cycles in our life are no different than the cycles of nature. When we experience stormy weather things seemed unclear, cloudy, and at times destructive. It is during those times, we sometimes are unable to see the Sun behind the clouds or the rainbow in the sky or the new sprouts of plants preparing to emerge from the soil.
And as human beings we experience similar stormy weather such as rip tides, floods, hurricanes and devastation. However, it is during those times just like in nature, that we are clearing out the old, the sick, and the energies that is clogging up our abilities for the new to emerge into our life.

During this mercury retrograde, learn to enjoy the storm. Sit back and enjoy the ride. For once, it is time to get out of your own way and let the Universe lead the way to your higher calling.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Last 30 Days Have Been Quite The Ride

The last 30 days have been quite the ride. Can you relate? There were lots of storms - literal, physical, emotional and spiritual. October was a very powerful month for transformation and setting the course for the future. Some of us had clear skies and smooth sailing. Others of us may have felt they were in the midst of their own hurricane.

The Universe has been pushing us to learn what we came here to do to fulfill our soulful purpose. For those who are struggling and resisting to this change, may have felt the impacts of these storms. However, those who have learned the art of surrender, may have felt a huge quantum shift and a lift off their beings. We have been working really hard for the last several years to get to this point.

It has been a few days since Mercury went direct. It is time to let the games begin.

How has this past retrograde affected you?

What lessons have you learned?

Have you felt a shift since Saturday?

One thing to remember is what happens after a good storm.  We see life returning, the rainbow and the return of the sun. The storm has past. The sun is shining. A lot of amazing things are about to happen. Do you feel it?

Here is a message from spirit from a couple days ago that I feel is still relevant for today.

#MessageFromSpirit: "Stay grounded. Trust in your path. The past is past and you are beginning a new journey. Trust that you are divinely supported and you are ready to take this leap. We have been leaving signs to reassure you that you are on the right path. Believe them to be true and have faith like you've never had it before. Don't question or doubt your direction. A new chapter in your life is getting ready to emerge. Trust. Allow us to help you find and implement the solutions to close the old. Just be willing to surrender and listen to the guidance given to you from the Universe. You are embarking on a new adventure. Be ready to explore. You are now being guided. Trust on where you are going."

Have a blessed day. Namaste. - Laura Healing With Spirit
(Published 10/29/14)