Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Period Of Transformation and Transiton

Posted September 29, 2014

(c) 2014 Photo Turkey Hill in Hingham, Ma and Quote by Laura Healing With Spirit

How quickly did the summer go? This past summer was fun, exciting, yet challenging. It was quite polarizing. It gave us a lot to work on. Gave us challenges and if you did your work, it revealed a lot to us. We are all in a process of transformation. How are you embracing it?

On of the themes that seemed to keep emerging was about faith especially in the areas surrounding fear and love. Many of the reiki sessions, holistic health sessions, and readings seemed to have revealed the common themes. Many of us had and may still be having our faith challenged. However, in order to have love, you can not have fear. Fear and love can not coexist.

The Universe is reminding us to always have faith especially during times of great distress, because the minute you lose faith is the time you have lost the miracle you have been waiting for. Always have faith because with faith, anything is possible.

In my last newsletter, I talked about being called to open your heart to the ocean of dreams ... to step outside the box and live a little. To enjoy living as it is a matter of perspective. Did you?

This is a time to set your spirit free and soar to new heights. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. So let the magic begin. Time to let go of control a bit. You just might surprise yourself by discovering things about yourself or others you may not have seen through different eyes. So, be in your power.

We are all in a period of transformation and transition. Embrace it. A lot of the readings over the past month or so as well as direct messages from Spirit have brought new meaning to "the world is your oyster". It is time to light your fire and get moving. Don't forget to have fun in the process. Have a blessed day!

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The Universe Has been answering your calls ...

Published September 30, 2014

(c) 2013 Duxbury Massachusetts by Laura Healing With Spirit


"The Universe is filling your plate with endless possibilities and preparing you for some decisions to make. These decisions you must make on your own. The Universe has been answering your calls, and bringing things to you. However, you have free will. Time to cipher through the choices laid before you and trust in the divine."

Have a blessed day - Laura Healing With Spirit

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Learning to Ride the Storm

(c)2014 Laura Healing With Spirit
After every great storm, the Sun returns to shine. After every great storm comes the rainbow. After every big storm and rough surf comes fertile soil. With every big storm comes nature's pruning of unnecessary branches and debris.

 After every big storm comes green grasses. After every big storm comes beautiful big flowers. After every big storm comes the birds, the animals, and the emergence of life awakens.
The cycles in our life are no different than the cycles of nature. When we experience stormy weather things seemed unclear, cloudy, and at times destructive. It is during those times, we sometimes are unable to see the Sun behind the clouds or the rainbow in the sky or the new sprouts of plants preparing to emerge from the soil.
And as human beings we experience similar stormy weather such as rip tides, floods, hurricanes and devastation. However, it is during those times just like in nature, that we are clearing out the old, the sick, and the energies that is clogging up our abilities for the new to emerge into our life.

During this mercury retrograde, learn to enjoy the storm. Sit back and enjoy the ride. For once, it is time to get out of your own way and let the Universe lead the way to your higher calling.

Trusting During The Storm

Published October 23, 2014

(c) 2009 Nantasket Beach, MA Easter Weekend

The last 24 hours have been a doozy.

I don't know about you, but the energies have been quite the ride. The nor'easter that just blew through here was filled with chaos, wind, flooding, blinding rains, and debris.

It is very symbolic of all the clearing of the debris that is needed in our lives in order for us to move into the next phase of our lives. One of the lessons that I have learned in the past 24 hours, is the lessons of trusting the universe and the divine path that we are on.

This was an experience I witnessed first hand. By not caving into the fears and anxieties of the amazing changes occurring in my life, I communicated clearly. I trusted the messages the Universe was sending me, and now things are not only back on track, but I feel better than ever before.

Don't forget, we are still in mercury retrograde. So issues surrounding communication is paramount. We are also at a point in time where the cosmic shifts over the past several months are aligning us for what we are sent here to do to fulfill our divine purpose.

Challenge is, if you resist the changes, you may not see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so to speak.
What have you learned in the last 24 hours?

Has questioning trust come up in your life as well?

Please share your thoughts with me. I would love to know.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Trust in Your Path


"Stay grounded. Trust in your path. The past is past and you are beginning a new journey. Trust that you are divinely supported and you are ready to take this leap. We have been leaving signs to reassure you that you are on the right path.
Believe them to be true and have faith like you've never had it before. Don't question or doubt your direction. A new chapter in your life is is getting ready to emerge.
Allow us to help you find and implement the solutions to close the old. Just be willing to surrender and listen to the guidance given to you from the Universe.
You are embarking on a new adventure. Be ready to explore. You are now being guided. Trust on where you are going."

As always, I would love to hear about your experiences. Please leave your feedback as it helps me help you. Have a blessed day.

Laura  Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please private message me or visit 
SERVICES: Spiritual Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle, Angel and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Assessments and Healings, Reiki, Yuen Energetics,  Spiritual Guidance
Speaking Engagements - Fundraisers - Events - Classes - Services
(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The 2014 Year of Grand Spiritual Metamorphosis and Transformation in Review

As we are nearing the end of 2014, you may feel a big sigh with a realization we survived the wild roller coaster ride as we learned, balanced, purged, surrendered, allowed, and metamorphosized like never before in preparation for the next chapter of our life to begin in 2015. Energies have been intense this past year between solar flares, cosmic shifts, and global volatility with many of us experiencing a grand spiritual awakening or metamorphosis affecting us on all planes - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
As human beings, we tend to be resistant to change. And when we resist the change, we encounter more difficult lessons, and more difficult transitions. This is not to diminish that 2014 was definitely a challenging year with enormous volatility. All you have to do is turn on the television to see all the chaos, loss, political corruption, corporate greed, confusion, and divisions happening across the globe. 
The year 2014 also marked a year for storms - literal, physical, emotional and spiritual. Did you experience any emotional meltdowns or storms? Have you been questioning your role in this world, in society or with your family? As human beings, we experience similar stormy weather such as rip tides, floods, hurricanes and devastation. However, it is during those times just like in nature, that we are clearing out the old, the sick, and the energies that are clogging up our abilities for the new to emerge into our life. This typically leads to a grand spiritual awakening.
For those who experienced some stormy weather, did you focus on the storm or did you focus on what comes afterwards? We must remember that the cycles in our life are no different than the cycles of nature. When we experience stormy weather things seemed unclear, cloudy, and at times destructive. It is during those times, we sometimes are unable to see the Sun behind the clouds or the rainbow in the sky or the new sprouts of plants preparing to emerge from the soil.

Remember …
• After every great storm, the Sun returns to shine.
• After every great storm comes the rainbow.
• After every big storm and rough surf comes fertile soil.
• With every big storm comes nature's pruning of unnecessary branches and debris.
• After every big storm comes green grasses.
• After every big storm comes beautiful big flowers.
• After every big storm comes the birds, the animals, and the emergence of life awakens.

I remember growing up as a child and driving around with my dad during a hurricane seeing the streets littered with debris. He taught me that a hurricane is nothing more than Mother Nature’s way of cleaning house and purging what is no longer needed.
So you might wonder with all this stormy weather, does this spiritual transformation discriminate? It does not matter if you are a yogi, priest, or someone who masters and meditates daily, the shifts, awakenings, and transformations happen to everyone. Just like a hurricane does not choose a city to hit based on population, race, education, cleanliness, or wealth, what we have been experiencing this year, equally does not discriminate. Many of us have experienced the feeling of losing control in all aspects of our lives at some point. What we learned in the process was learning to let go and surrender our fears and control to the Universe, because in the end, we are never in control.
The Universe has been pushing us to learn what we came here to do to fulfill our soulful purpose. For those who are struggling and resisting to this change, may have felt the impacts of these storms. However, those who have learned the art of surrender, may have felt a huge quantum shift and a lift off their beings. We have been working really hard for the last several years to get to this point.
You may feel as if you are still in the midst of chaos. The Universe is asking you to remember that with chaos, comes new direction and new life. It is critical for you to stay focused on where you are going and not on the chaos.
Many lessons have been learned over the year. Many themes seemed to have emerged such as: the art of surrender, personal responsibility, accepting what is, forgiveness, and learning to let go what you cannot control. We have been learning to no longer hold onto anything that no longer serves us for our highest and best. We cannot add new things to our plate if it is filled with yesterday’s junk. Those who have succeeded in learning these lessons, may have felt a huge shift and weight lifted. A sense of freedom may have also followed like a rubber band snap. When we follow our divine path, we honor ourselves.
The secondary lessons we learned as a result of the primary lessons mentioned above, are trust and faith. We learned to have more faith when it was challenged, and trust in the divine to assist us, guide us, and lift us up. We also learned we are more resilient that we believed. As a result, we learned to trust ourselves more. When we let go and surrender to the Universe, we open new doors, new chapters and invite into our lives miracles and abundance.
The 2014 stormy weather is passing if it has not already past for you.
Mother Earth is listening.
The Universe is listening.
Are you?
Did you go with the flow of change this year or did you resist?
The sun is shining.
Do you see it?
A lot of amazing things are about to happen.
Do you feel it?
This is a time to choose faith and trust in the divine and conquer your fears once and for all. The Universe believes in you. Let’s complete this metamorphosis cycle like champions and begin 2015 together with a brand new exciting chapter. Above all, let’s enjoy this journey called life.