
Monday, January 29, 2018

Energy Update: 2018 Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The super full moon lunar eclipse is approaching. Are you feeling it yet? Are you experiencing a spiritual flu? Not sure what I am talking about? Click here to read about tips to follow your soulful path.

You may also want to check out an older blog post on spiritual purging and 10 TIps to guide you. You can read it here.

The divine feminine energies continue to rise. There is still much resistance happening globally as we continue to ascend as a collective and with the solar activity compounded with the upcoming eclipse, this is sure to be a doozy.

The upcoming eclipse is also happening on an 11 year in Leo which is at 11 degrees.  A double whammy. There are only 3 master numbers in the science of numerology, and the “11” is one of the three.

So what does this mean for you?

This means that 2018 is one powerful year and it is starting off with a kick already. How it plays out is solely up to you and whether or not you choice to be a piece o the larger puzzle.

If you follow me on social media, you have heard me voice this theme of paradoxes and miracles aka the ying and yang aka the positive and negative.

This is a number that can make magic and manifest miracles. Some of us already got a glimpse last year with how quickly things materialized and manifested when our energies were aligned with the Universes.

So if you are someone who has a lot of stress, anxiety or depression or you may even find yourself filled with anger or worry, you will get exactly more of that unless you choose to shift your energies.

It is crucial to keep your thoughts positive. And when you find yourself off the path or resorting to old outdated paradigms, don’t go beating yourself up. Choose a better way to reflect.

You are in the driver’s seat driving super fast a warped speed. Practicing and mastering the art of presence can help you as well.

At the end of the day, this year is a BIG year.  Hold on to your boot straps. 

What is your superpower to help you navigate these ever-changing Energies?

Soooooo. There is always an antidote to the negative if you are currently faced with increased fears, anxieties, stress, anger, illness. I would like to know how you handle that.

My super power is my sense of awareness and instincts when awareness is present. What is also needed is presence. With presence you are able to see clearer and with awareness.
☆ With awareness, #clarity and presence become easier.
☆ With awareness, you become intimately aware of your inner and out of surroundings.

☆  With awareness, you learn to act and not react. 
☆ With awareness, I'm able to listen to the wisdoms of the body.
☆ With awareness, I am able to nurture my wounded soul and begin healing old traumas whether it is personal, generational, karmic, or past life.

I would love to hear what superpower you have too. Please share.

In the meantime, enjoy the ride and learn to surf those waves of change.  I am here to help.

You may read my entire forecast for 2018, if you click here.
With love and appreciation


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