Showing posts with label healing with spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing with spirit. Show all posts

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Cardinal Message From Spirit

Written: April 9, 2013

The time is 5:35 a.m. and the faint sounds of what could be thunder in the distance get my attention or could it be the sounds of the trash being picked up from the dumpster? The sound happens once more, but once again too faint to clearly identify. Then at approximately 5:55 a.m. a much louder repeated echoing boom happened. Ahhhhh the confirmation it was thunder.

One could take one road to the dark, dank, depressing side of the morning and say, “oh how I wish I were still in bed right now”. However, realizing the rain is required for the earth to flourish … for spring flowers to bloom … and for nourishment to all life, I embraced the rain.

As I begin to leave my home wondering if I was going to be stuck in a downpour, I remind myself that it is April 9th and it will be 70 degrees and sunny later on. So I smiled and left my house.

It is now 6:06 a.m. Amidst the dankness and drizzle appears, red cardinal to my right about 10 feet above me brightly displayed on a limb of a branch as if I were watching a black and white film with a red hand colored painted bird singing his song and bolstering his voice. As I walk by him, I am reminded and in awe of his beauty. I felt as if I were watching a movie reel, but instead of the bird was not moving, I was the one moving and watching him as I slowly walked to my car.

His voice was clearer and louder and more beautiful than all the other morning songs combined by the other birds. This is not the first time I have heard him as I hear him every morning. So why is this day different? It is how he presented himself to me, and in a way I knew without a doubt it was a message.

What does this all mean? Well, for you, it can mean something completely different. One thing I have learned over the years is that nature and the universe works in synchronicity with our lives and will always present messages to us if we dare to listen. You can do all your research you want and what others say a meaning is. However, in the end, the meanings are customized in your own language that you must learn to interpret.

Symbolically, the rain can be a reflection of emotions and can symbolize rebirth, sadness, or cleansing. What it means to you is different than what it means to me. For me, it is symbolic of cleansing and rebirth and to know I am safe and protected. It is also to remind me to call upon my angels and ascended masters more as confirmed by the times which in numerology are reflected by the four and five. The four is about the angels and the five is all about transition.

The rumble of thunder was to get my attention and to help me realize the inner power and strength I have to overcome this latest obstacle in my life. Thunder is symbolic of great energy and power and is also associated with Zeus, the god of all gods. Hearing the thunder in the background is a reminder to harness my inner energy and power.

We are nearing the end of one cycle and beginning a new as represented by the date, which in numerology is a ten number. It is also a time of spring which has a long history of spiritual significance throughout the world. Spring is a season symbolic of rebirth, resurrection, and a time when great confrontations and polarities occur in nature: darkness and light, death and rebirth. For me, it is an important stage of self-realization and empowerment and a reminder that the darkness is fading and light is returning.

The cardinal may be a small bird, but it is strong and rich in color and voice, which happen to be the strongest characteristics of this bird. Because this bird is a year round resident, it is associated with the number 12. This can mean a host of things from changes occurring within the next 12 days, 12 weeks, or 12 months; or it can mean communication. Since this was a male cardinal, it is associated with perseverance. Since I am female and if I were to call on the female cardinal inside, it would be associated with intuition.

The color of the cardinal is also very significant. Once again, what it means to you can be different from what it means to me. The bright red color has associations to the base chakra, to the Cardinals of the Catholic Church, and to the kundalini in yoga.

The message for me is a simple reminder to listen to my gut and rise above the situation no matter how dire it appears to me. The message is reminding me to see the bigger picture and sing loud enough for the whole world to hear me in a voice that is strong, confident, unwavering, and louder than all the other voices around me. Keep singing until someone hears me and never give up. It is time to activate the personal power within and leave behind all fears and excuses.

Considering the very challenging events that have transpired over the past two weeks, I am grateful to spirit for this day and for this confirmation message I needed to empower my strength and courage and quell my fears. Thank you for helping me walk the walk, speak my true voice, and have the strength and confidence to do so.


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Reflections in Divine Syncronicities

First Published:  4/4/14

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, April 4, 2014.  I decided to take the back country roads to take care of some personal business per court order by Brockton Family Court Judge Lisa Roberts. While enroute travelling west, I was reflecting on all the tragedies and especially triumphs in my life when the song, "The Broken Road", by Rascal Flats came on the radio at the same time I passed by four swans at approximately 12:42pm.

I'm not a big Rascal Flats fan, but this song is beautifully written and very symbolic of my life and all my friends and family who have been my life lines as I have battled a war for survival from repeated domestic abuse and now legal abuse. The system and the family courts are repeatedly failing to see or acknowledge the abuse despite police reports, medical records, DCF records, and witness testimonies documenting the abuse. I encourage you to listen to this song and to the lyrics as well. 

There is no coincidence the song and the appearance of the swans happened simultaneously.

Swans are waterfowl that are generally very territorial. I was amazed and surprised to see four of them nicely congregating in a very small area of a large pond. We generally perceive swans as graceful and elegant with a close connection to water. They live harmoniously with three out of four Aristotelian elements. With the element of earth, we are reminded to ground our self. With the element of air, we are shown the ability to soar to great heights. With the element of water, we are shown grace and beauty.

I am also reminded about the tale of Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Anderson that I read as a child. Just like the Ugly Duckling, I have been mislabeled, bullied, outcasted, and abused by those I thought I could trust and believe to protect me and my family from repeated abuse. These swans are reminding me that I will emerge a strong, beautiful and graceful swan as well with the help of great relationships. I am grateful for each and every one of my friends and family who have been by my side through thick and thin as I attempt to permanently sever the ties with my abuser once and for all. Despite my repeated attempts, I view my abuser like a pit-bull that just will not let go of his bite or grip.

These strong majestic swans appeared today for a reason just like the song "Broken Road". Since swans are very loyal and they will mate with the same swan sometimes over a life time, they served as a reminder to have faith in the blessings soon to come. Just like in the fairytale, these new nurturing relationships have been helping me to become stronger again, to be set free and transform into the majestic swan. Both the fairytale and the symbolic meaning of the swans serves as a reminder of our inherent glory. I am reminded to have unwavering faith with persistence of heart while pursuing the truth and gifts I was born with confidence and grace.

The 12:42 is another divine message that this 10+yr karmic life cycle is about to come to an end. The date 4/4/14 is confirmation symbolically to know that I am divinely protected. Both sets of numbers are telling me that now is the time to faith God more than ever before, because positive change is afoot. Believe it.

I don't believe in coincidences, but I do believe in divine synchronicities. As the song "Broken Road" goes "This much I know is true, That God blessed the broken road, That led me straight to you."

And today was very synchronistic of my reflections, this song, and the swans.

Have a blessed day. Namaste. And As the song "Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts goes ...

"I set out on a narrow way many years ago
 Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
 But I got lost a time or two
 Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
 I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
(Yes He did)

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true.



Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.
That God blessed the broken road
 That led me straight to you. "

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