I wrote about my reflections called "Reflections as We Close Out 2015 - 5 Lessons 2015 Taught Me". If you are unsure of your path or where you are going, then I suggest you read that post. Hopefully, it can help open you to a whole new perspective.
So many of us are resisting the path of soul. One way I chose to connect was through nature. Nature is such a beautiful aid in our path if we just slow down from the fast pace and demands of society and learn to reconnect again. I received many messages and signs from the divine here
- In the form of heart rocks,
- Animal interactions such as the turkey, hawk, coyote, rats, blue jay and crow,
- Some funky clouds in the shapes of hearts, angels, or other distinctive shapes,
- Rainbows or the like.
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The juvenile that captured Laura's attention. for 45 min |
#messagefromspirit: "Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge."
I am now further along in my spiritual path developing a strong partnership with soul and my spirit team. To sum up last year, I learned many things which all lead to my overall spiritual growth.
Right now, Mother Earth is filled with chaos in the world at this time from terrorism, to senseless acts of violence, the radiation leakage from Fukushima, to the dying sea life, extreme weather patterns, greed, addictions, wars, etc. Some are calling it the beginning of Armageddon or World War III or the final prophecy of Nostradamus.
I attribute the global chaos to a loss of connection to soul ... the divine self ... source energy mixed with a segment of the population eagerly seeking a divine connection to source energy and soul. When we awaken from the realities of what society has dictated to us in a false sense of reality to one that aligns with our soul in our true reality, things get shaken up, and our vibrational alignments change.
That is what I see happened increasingly over the past few years, but especially in 2015. Many have been challenged especially in the areas of learning to let go and trust that your soul has your back. Because if you let go and trust, then that means you lose control. Right? Actually, the opposite is true. When you let go, you are in full control of your own personal realities and you shift seeing the world from a whole new perspective. Your very vibration changes and aligns with soul and source energy.

The human race can let you down. Governments can let you down. However, your soul and your spirit team will always be by your side. I also learned throughout the years that your head and heart will steer you wrong because of ego. However, your gut ... your seat of your soul ... will never steer you wrong.
Over the years, I learned to let go of what was and a perception of a life I thought I had with the help of my spirit team, angels, and source energy. I slowly surrendered to Spirit or soul over a period of 10+ years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years healing from my traumas learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul.
So what does the year 2016 year hold for us now? It is the year of transformation
There are 6 major focuses for this year which are about:- Taking personal responsibility for your life,
- Accepting what is and all that led you to this point,
- Having faith in where you are going,
- Following a more soulful path,
- Manifesting the means to get there,
- And trusting your soul has your back.
So what is so special about this year? This year is a 9 year in numerology. Not only are there various cosmic shifts, but understanding this part is very significant. This means the end of a era is near and the future that you are creating through your vibrational alignment is beginning to come to fruition. However, it also means time to get serious and tie up loose ends. Whatever actions you put in place this year will guide the next phase of your life.
Whether you see yourself in a good place or not so good place right now, you have a choice to make. Are you willing to get to work so you can live a more soul-filled life without the pressure of unresolved matters from the past holding you back? Remember, as one door closes another opens. It is all how we choose to view our world. So if you are stuck thinking nothing will get better and all the doom and gloom, then you will not be able to see all the new opportunities and possibilities that await you.
So you might be asking me how?
We were given the answer as given to me by spirit before: "Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge." We spend more time running away from self, than getting to know self. This is why partnering with soul is so important. Talk to soul. Email soul. Go out to dinner with soul. Facebook soul. Text soul. Get to know yourself and all the divine wisdom you hold within. ALL the answers you seek lie within.
First, take personal responsibility for where you are at in your life. You can not move forward without that. It is important to release all the attachments - emotional, mental, physical - that no longer serve you for your highest and best.
Secondly, accept what is. Accept everything in your past and feel all those buried emotions you have not been able to feel. Right now see yourself as the caterpillar inside the cocoon trying to crack it open with the tip of a wing or the leg of a butterfly beginning to emerge, but can't because it has not fully evolved yet. Making peace with your emotional realities is crucial to breaking free.
If you currently feel stagnant or stuck, I want to say to you it is because you are resisting and letting fear control your progress. It also means you are quite close to acceptance, but something is holding you back. This is usually something in the emotional plane. So what ends up happening is that certain situations or experiences that you have been attempting to put behind you are constantly repeating themselves. In some cases it is like rapid machine gun fire.
It is important to be in touch with your emotions and all the cords attached to them in order to heal them, process them, and move forward.
Like I said earlier, many also have chosen the path of resistance whether it is done consciously or subconsciously. If you choose to not accept things or to take personal responsibility for your life and let go of stuff, then the patterns of repeating the same old situations with same mistakes continue. Many will continue to feel dissatisfied and unhappy, and many times continue to blame everything and everyone for their life circumstances.
For this to change, it is important to accept the new realities before you. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions need to be in complete vibrational alignment. How you navigate your emotions this year will play a big role in your path and overall spiritual development.
Thirdly, have unwavering faith in where you are going. You are no longer that caterpillar, but an emerging butterfly. It is important to make the necessary alterations and improvements in all areas of your life this year. Just like the caterpillar who can not see inside the cocoon, it knows it will soon emerge as a beautiful butterfly.
THEN ... Only then will you be ready to break free.
You have a choice ... a choice to longer live in the past and emerge as the beautiful butterfly that you are or not. That is your choice.
Since this is a 9 year, things are ending. Why do we fear endings? All this means is you have the freedom to choose the beginning of the next phase of your life. It is all how we choose to focus and see things. So shift your perspective, and you will shift your results.
Free yourself from the restraints, erroneous beliefs, and illusions of the past. Why continue to be stagnant? Let go. Break free from that cocoon that is holding you back from shining. The new things you are trying to accomplish will only bring more frustration and resistance until you release the old.
Activate your personal power and give yourself the gift of healing and soul-fillment.
Partner with your soul, your spirit team, and angels. Ask them for strength, guidance, and help in this transformation.
You are not alone. You can not fly like the butterfly until these endings and purges are complete. Let your divine team help you in the process. They are waiting for you to call upon their assistance, and trust that your soul has your back if nothing else.
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An important message my spirit team shared with me and I shared with you |
Shower yourself and all those around you with generosity and compassion. The more you get in touch with self on a deep emotional level, the greater opportunity for growth and change.
This is the year to heal all those unhappy moments in your life as you will be creating a new reality of inner peace and happiness to emerge. You will exchange your erroneous belief systems with new truths and possibilities.
The more you accept where you are at and take personal responsibility for your life, you open the door to all that the Universe has to offer you.
You will morph from the old to the present you and the vibrational alignment you are creating - your will and your desires - will set pace for where you are going.
We create attachments to people, place, and things. When we let go of those emotional attachments, the perspective of our world shifts. You might just feel a huge sigh of relief. Not everything is doom and gloom.
This will be an exciting year if you choose it to be. It is up to us. However, it is so important to develop a partnership with your soul - the ultimate love affair that lasts for an eternity. Your soul is your guide and can help you attune and navigate the ever changing waves of energy.
We are all one. We are all being called to unite as one for the betterment of all life. We can change the world and make it a better place, but it all starts with finding peace within and to stop the raging wars that reside within self.
Remember, this is just a mere journey ... Let go and trust your soul has your back. All is as where is should be. Who is ready to journey with me for an empowering transformative year ?
Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
With love and light,
Laura Healing With Spirit,
Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement, please private message me or visit www.healingwithspirit.webs.com
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